
The Napkin.

by Timmy™

Entries 433

Page 17 of 18

December 31, 2014

The Nod.

Do girls not do “The Nod”? I was latently aware this is a thing guys do, but somehow assumed that girls did some version of this too. The Nod can’t be a gendered thing, is it?

October 31, 2014


Got a little over a thousand words in, and it’s only 1:15 am. Now I’m remembering how… oddly easy this is.

October 31, 2014


Trying real hard not to start my novel right now. Midnight, I say. Keep it “honest”. I have a bit of outlining, some character sketches, some plot arches. I have a beginning and a sorta-end,...

September 25, 2014

Nano Musings.

Half the time when I explain nanowrimo to someone, the response is, “So you’re learning to write badly?” That simultaneously misses the point, and IS the point. I’ve “won” nanowrimo four times, ...

September 19, 2014

A Moment from Last Night.

An elf appeared in front of us as we were about to leave a dungeon. Being all evil and kind of on-edge, we intimidated the elf to drop his pants. Our thief then told him we’d blackmail him and ...

September 14, 2014

Things to do.

De-dust Kelly Quark (my computer). vacuum carpet sweep/mop hardwood floor change litter box clean kitchen counter clean stove put away three hampers full of laundry put on clothes and go study ...

August 30, 2014

Shot Glasses.

I’m still on a vodka hiatus, but I still like admiring the shot glasses I’ve managed to acquire.

June 10, 2014

Still excited.

Okay, fine fine. I'll take pictures next time BEFORE I put Tattoo Goo on it.

June 08, 2014

Look, look, my tattoo.

Still excited. Still admiring it. Cuz why not?

June 03, 2014

Eat a dick.

Even consider how the phrase “eat a dick” is not an insult if taken literally? If you tell a girl, “eat a dick”, you’re basically telling her to hunt rogue penises AND EAT THEM. That’s pretty e...

June 03, 2014


I love waking up in the middle of the night and seeing both my cats snuggled up at the foot of my bed, usually between my legs, as I tend to sleep on my back. During the day, they chase each oth...

June 02, 2014


When my days are full, I'm anxious. And now that I have a legitimate week off, I'm sad and anxious, just the same.

May 16, 2014


I have yesterday's workout and today's workout that I need to post, but I'll get to that tonight. Today's the 16th? That means this is day 6 of 21 day. (Cuz it takes 21 days to make a habit.) ...

May 06, 2014

The Stand.

Meditating further, morals are one of the few things I have to stand on. My likes and dislikes are very fuzzy and don't mean much to me. But at the very core of my being, I have to know I'm a "... This song will always remind me of Short Circuit 2, but shh. At the risk of being utterly campy, we need to be the hero we need in our lives. I'll u...

April 29, 2014

I like butts.

Maybe I should take daily buttpics as I break in the new undies. I take selfies as it is; a surplus of buttpics would certainly fit the butt-centric nature of my tumblr. I got some Kohl's cash....

April 26, 2014


I was getting compliments on my hair yesterday and I guess it was throwing me off. I still, to this day, don't know how to react to compliments. I kind of freeze like a dear in the headlights, ...

April 09, 2014


For all things there is a short-term and long-term solution. We need both to alleviate the anxiety of any problem.

February 16, 2014

Dicks in Pussies.

I don't understand the female compulsion for sex. Or, rather, the female need for dick to be sexually satisfied. Over the years, I've heard a number of females state, "Oh, I don't masturbate. ...

February 15, 2014

Like visiting a dead relative.

So, I'm vodkaed and out of habit went to, completely forgetting stuff. And then remembered. And had a moment, just a moment, of sad. Ew.

February 13, 2014

Still <3 snow.

My shovel broke. It was a good plastic shovel. Cuz dude, metal is heavy, even if it's sturdy. Still not mad at winter, man. Was going to go sledding but it's since turned to freezing rain. F...

February 08, 2014


I have a bunch of scenes in my head that I want to do for my next grand BIGGAYDAN nanonovel. Absolutely need to visit a fudge factory for absolutely no reason. Certain characters to introduce b...

December 23, 2013


But seriously, I think I'd be a lot more content if i remembered to get more sleep on a regular basis. Sleep, exercise, and regular masturbation. And maybe blocks of cheese. Blocks of cheese m...

December 19, 2013


Mostly for me, this isn't important. Things to do today: Eat breakfast. Head to the gym. Pay rent. Get oil changed. Sell books. If time permits: Clean bathroom. Take out trash. Masturbate furio...

Book Description

Off-hand thoughts which I won’t organize as well. But feel safe to share.