
The Napkin.

by Timmy™

Entries 433

Page 13 of 18

June 22, 2016

Gym Nuances.

I tend to feel bad when someone asks me if they can have the squat rack after me, or asks how many sets I have left. I got to the gym around 7:30, entirely so I could hog the squat rack for half...

Girl #1: "Fucking boobsweat." Girl #2: "I know, right?" Girl #1 to Guy in their trio: "Sorry yours aren't big enough." I love people who have frank discussions in public. Or Francene discuss...

June 15, 2016

I grunt at you.

While muted, I spied this ad while I was treadmilling. (Crunch Fitness, if you must know.) Once again, this feels like someone making fun of Planet Fitness. It wouldn’t take that much to take ...

June 10, 2016

Flaming Liberals Unite.

When you discover your new shrink has basically the same political stances as you do. Right down to being able to make the “nominate Ted Cruz to SCOTUS and you’ll have eight vacancies” joke and ...

June 02, 2016

Kira says hi.

Okay, maybe she doesn’t. But I can say hi!

May 31, 2016

Fruity Puns.

Remembering a time when I would carry apples in my coat pockets so I could interject into a lull in conversation, “hows about dem apples?” And the period of time when I used to carry bananas in m...

May 27, 2016

On Gender.

If gender traits were innate, we wouldn’t need to indoctrinate them. Paraphrased from: Source

May 27, 2016

On Voluntary Hygiene.

Winter: I just showered two days ago and I swear I still smell fine. Do I reeeally need to? Summer: I just took my third cold shower of the day, and you can’t stop me from taking a fourth.

Look at this pizza. Look at it. It was glorious and delicious. Since you are what you eat, this is a selfie. And since I am part pizza, I am glorious and delicious.

May 25, 2016

An OD/PB Survey.

From: Gilraent What does your online diary name mean, and why did you pick it? My name is Timmy, and I am very Timmy™. When did you first get an online diary? November 29, 2001. I can’t believe...

May 25, 2016

Inane Quotient.

Based on my propensity for subjecting friends with a deluge of ridiculous texts in the morning, I’d say my brain is way more active in the morning. As well, despite how inane I can be, I find it ...

May 24, 2016

The Greeting.

On my way out of the gym, a girl working there commented, “Hey, you’re early today.” My initial response: “I’m getting old.” Ha ha. I woke up around 4 AM, peed, and had a nice relaxing hour in ...

Note to self: While strawberries are rad, tossing in a banana into your broccoli/carrot/kale smoothie totally takes the edge off the bitterness, and helps with the consistency. I WILL CONSUME M...

May 22, 2016


For better or for worse, I seem to have gotten into the habit of viewing the Box of Prose on my phone. Something about physically sitting at my computer with the purpose to write is an iota stres...

May 21, 2016

Dumbbell Drops.

Sometimes I think about doing yet another Lifting Log Redux. I can babble my head off like the gymrat I am. But then I think: why separate it? My actual logging is now on fitocracy. I really like...

May 21, 2016


When you realize you’re now saying “an ex” instead of “the ex”.

May 14, 2016

Boo at facial hair.

I don’t really pull off the Rugged Stubble look, and I hate shaving (my face*). So jealous of how women tend to have less facial hair. *Ballshaving is significantly easier.

May 12, 2016

For Frodo.

Sometimes you’re Aragorn, unsure but will take on the world. Other times you’re Frodo, who is too proud to be carried.

April 17, 2016

Of course.

But seriously, I’ve been taking significantly better care of myself, so naturally I’m sick.

April 14, 2016


I think my Timmy Quotient correlates with my willingness or desire to make absolutely terrible puns. If my mood is off, I just won’t feel that playful.

April 08, 2016

On Rigs.

Since I’ve built my last two computers, I feel rather “oh, it’s easy. Anybody can do it. I’m nothing special.” You don’t need to know the specifics of how hardware works to assemble a new rig....

April 06, 2016

On Grounding.

I was never grounded as a child. Even if I were, I don’t think it would have worked as a punishment. I spent a lot of time in my room, and didn’t socialize much. It would have been a better pu...

March 28, 2016

Had to share.

I had plain black beans and rice for lunch and oh man, I just had the most satisfying #2. I love fiber.

March 26, 2016

On The Electoral College.

This is an unpopular opinion, but the electoral college is a safeguard and ideally would allow for a candidate that doesn’t have a plurality achieve victory. If delegates were proportional like i...

March 06, 2016

Phantom Mirror.

Segment of a dream last night. I was looking into a mirror and it wasn’t me. Also, I was cross-eyed. Though, in typical dream-form, I was having issues “keeping my eyes open.” It scared the f...

Book Description

Off-hand thoughts which I won’t organize as well. But feel safe to share.