Whey and Sonic Screwdrivers.
by Timmy™
Entries 432
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It's 5:25 am.
And it’s Squat Day. Rawr. This will be workout 7 in 8 days. Mind you, I pick things up and put things down. Workouts have drifted to upwards of 80-90 minutes. Still running an upper/lower spl...
The Efficacy of Cleavage.
So, there was a women at the gym today, clad in a sports bra. Cool, whatever. And proudly displaying plunging cleavage. Easily DD’s. (The mode* of cup size amongst my female partners has been...
You're pretty.
So, I was in the back part of a gym where there is no music. So all the female and male breaths of exertion sound like… Well, you can use your imagination. It’s disconcerting and “YEAH, LET’S ...
Dopamine Management.
Is that even a thing? It’s nice feeling happy or pleasant. Isn’t it? And yes, I do believe thinking positive helps you be more positive. As circular negative thoughts have a way of festering an...
I go where everyone knows my name. (pics)
I am not particularly surprised, given my trademark look. It’s like I should put a trademark at the end of Timmy and call myself Timmy™. But gosh, it would require some next-level ostentatiousn...
What is serenity? When have you felt serenity? That was the topic. I snapped my fingers, and the chair motioned to me. Serenity is feeling calm and at peace with your emotions. Good and bad....
We Agnostics.
Oh, I’m still atheist. That is a chapter in The Big Book. I figured it would take a while to find my rhythm in terms of when/how many AA meetings I would attend weekly. Considering my work sch...
On Gandalfs.
Or Obi Kenobi’s, whatever. As a writer, I sometimes like to put in a Wise Olde White Dude into my works. Someone whose backstory you don’t reeeeally need to flesh out. Their aura of wisdom pre...
Hailing Frequencies.
My phone is nearing brick status. “Gee, Timmy, your Blackberry was so not fetch when you got it.” Blackberry is fetch. Blackberry is always fleek and on point and radical, you neo-maxi zoom-dwe...
Die With Honor.
I knew it was going to hurt, and gosh, did this new tattoo not disappoint. First one only hurt near my hipbone. Second one barely hurt, as it is on my bum. I almost want to say it hurts more “...
Compartmentalize Without Leaks.
When I’m more mentally stable, stress and eustress tends to go into different compartments. Work goes in worktime. School goes in schooltime. Relationship goes in relationshiptime. Gaming goe...
If only we could create our own. Well, technically, you can. Whenever I move into somewhere new, I order Dominos. (Okay, any pizza will do.) I decided to create a tradition, and so I did it. ...
The Song Remains The Same.
There seem to people who have an innate drive or desire to reinvent themselves. Always chasing something new, something exciting. Never content to be sitting still, in the same place whether ph...
Internal Chronometer.
I noticed years ago an ability to tell myself when to wake up in the morning. “Oh, wake up at 6 am” I’d set an alarm anyway, yet I’d wake up a few minutes before it. Tell myself to sleep in? ...
Depression is anger without enthusiasm.
I really hope there is no afterlife, because immortality or otherwise being forced to live sounds like hell. At least in death we get finality. That’s it. No post-credit scene. A conclusion. ...
I’m just assuming this will go away eventually. The google-fu that doxycycline hyclate is used to treat rosacea, well. Eye doctor(s) today suspect rosacea. At least I’ll be going from 100mg tw...
Happy Summer Solstice.
Somewhere between ignore and oblivious, I generally don’t participate in hallmark holidays. Or holidays in general, unless it is of my own volition. Huh, maybe that’s why it bugs me, right there...
So anyway, I recall many years ago a coworker asked me how I always had so much energy. At the time, I didn’t have an clear answer. I told Ariel something like “Um, I just get up and go?” Accu...
The Whites of My Eyes.
I haven’t seen them completely in three years. I have a feeling, a good feeling, that this may the end of the levels of puffiness or otherwise bloodshot eyes I have endured. After the eye doctor...
Emergency Contacts.
Had my first of many eye appointments earlier this morning. Dilation drops still haven’t worn off, so here’s hoping I don’t have too many typos. (If you can’t type with your eyes closed, can yo...
Balancing Cofactor.
Tashy came by this afternoon to collect more things. It’s a slow process, obviously. Over a year, and there’s still things here. I asked her if she was surprised at how little I brought with m...
So, I was taking my morning “quick shower”, though it ended up not being a quickie. Even if I don’t sweat at night, something about a two minute shower before getting dressed feels nice. Genita...
Solitary Confinement.
You’d think feeling lonely would make me more active online. Reading more, commenting more, texting/messaging friends. Sometimes I do Other times, I find it reminds me of how lonely and alone I...
The 2nd Amendment should be abolished.
I do not own a firearm. I refuse to own a firearm.
You're In.
I haven’t had a hug in over a year. I’m having a severely painful mental morning. Laying in bed sans the energy to even cry. The sleep aids worked, but the dopamine precursors I took when I wo...
Book Description
Public entries which I hope are on par with Classic Timmy™.