

by DevilishlyInnocent

Entries 250

Page 3 of 10

October 21, 2020

OPM 20 2020

PROMPT: What I want! My niece made this for me! She knows I love the moon, so she painted this! Forgive my messy craft table.

October 19, 2020

OPM 19 2020

PROMPT: CIRCLES This hand towel is almost as old as I am. It was part of a set that my dad used. It’s all that remains of that set.

October 19, 2020

OPM 18 2020

PROMPT: Too lazy to look it up. I’ve been finding pieces of jewelry and turning them into different pieces. Here is a set I put together. I also add other findings as well.

October 17, 2020

OPM 17 2020

PROMPT: Winging it cause I’m lazy. So, the Tribe got their Farmer’s Market up and running and since my mom tested positive for the Rona, she was eligible for all the services, especially being an...

October 16, 2020

OPM 16 2020

PROMPT: Non-Prompt I haz snacc.

October 15, 2020

OPM 15 2020

PROMPT: Whatever Was looking at my bracelet holder and I think I need a bigger one.

October 14, 2020

OPM 14 2020

PROMPT: STAIRS I don’t know why, but I turned around and saw this and figured it works for this prompt. LOL

October 13, 2020

OPM 13 2020

PROMPT: OUTDOORS To the west of my house. If I had a better deck, I’d be sitting outside with some tea and a book, enjoying the sunset.

October 12, 2020

OPM 12 2020

PROMPT: AUTUMN COLORS The view south of my country home.

October 11, 2020

OPM 11 2020

PROMPT: Maze The maze of paperwork my Dad left behind that I found while cleaning.

October 11, 2020

OPM 10 2020

PROMPT: MEND I’ve been finding odds and ends everywhere, so I’ve been repurposing them into new(er) jewelry.

October 09, 2020

OPM 09 2020

PROMPT: CLASSIC or MODERN I’ve heard arguments for both ways. Either way, this is one of my absolute favorite paintings. Well, obviously this is just a print, but whatever.

October 08, 2020

OPM 08 2020

PROMPT: PURPLE Rona fucked up life hardcore. Every October, we have something called “Cross-check Cancer”. It a night that our USHL hockey team puts on for cancer survivors. I’ve gone every singl...

October 07, 2020

OPM 07 2020

PROMPT: MIND I got this book so many years ago. I haven’t made it through yet. I find I get hung up on certain lessons. But, I’m the furthest I’ve ever been.

October 06, 2020

OPM 06 2020

PROMPT: FIRE I got behind, but that’s why there is the amazing “backdate” feature. I got these chakra candles awhile ago. I think it’s time to push myself back into taking better care of me.

October 06, 2020

OPM 05 2020

PROMPT: WATER I didn’t have an available bottle for the moon water I wanted to make, so I just used a recently finished water bottle. LOL

October 04, 2020

OPM 04 2020

PROMPT: VAMPIRE Laundry is a different kind of vampire when you’re in quarantine.

October 04, 2020

OPM 03 2020

PROMPT BLACK So, quick story about this. I told my best friend about a night I stepped out for a smoke and saw a skunk come at me, making a weird sound. Seemed happy cause it had an old strawberr...

October 04, 2020

OPM 02 2020

I’ll catch up. Thankfully, it’s the beginning of the month. Prompt: SPELL Spell bottle. I’ve been learning more and more about them.

October 02, 2020

OPM 01 2020

Blessed Full Moon in Aries!

November 30, 2019

[30] NoJoMo 19

Whatever I want. Its 0138 on the 2nd of December. It’s been insane these past few days. I’m all peopled out. First it was Thanksgiving, then dealing with Black Friday people. Ugh. But, I stil...

November 29, 2019

[29] NoJoMo 19

Write an entry to encourage anyone who reads you. This goes for everyone. It’s a given to have bad days. It’s a given to have days when you feel like you can’t move forward. It’s always heartbr...

November 28, 2019

[28] NoJoMo 19

What famous person would I be? I am so mad. I had this entry up and then it disappeared! Gah!! I hate Black Friday! I would definitely be Gordie Howe. That dude was a titan of his time. He ...

November 27, 2019

[27] NoJoMo 19

What motivates you? Dreams. Growing up on the rez (poorest of the poorest of the poor) we were often told we wouldn’t do much with our lives. I remember being a junior in high school and havin...

November 26, 2019

[26] NoJoMo 19

What brings out your inner child? Stuffed animals. Seriously. I have a pet net full of them! I have three stuffed animals I am thinking of being buried with: Littlefoot, a white bunny, and Falc...

Book Description

A compilation of the challenges.