by nothispenelope
Entries 225
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so i just took my meds 20 mins. ago. again. the mouthwash. oh and the vit. d which i forgot to take last night and by the time I realised it it was 9 and i certainly wasn’t going to wake the lady...
my sister. um.
this is from my fb: My sister is kindof antagonistic and i’m just not, anymore. ok have you ever seen a lioness out on the savannah? they’re not particularly energetic creatures. cats sleep somet...
slightly medicated. and other stuff. side effects.
um. so i watch. [well it’s more like observe really. as in this instance ‘watch’ sounds a bit harsh. anyway.]. yeah so earlier tonight i observed. The lady putting the um. mouthwash into the spoo...
side effects and um. donuts.
so i’ve learned. that when it comes to doctors medical doctors. the more they know, about something the more they’ll want to do, about something. and actually activate that plan. now i’m not like...
reduced sugar. and prognosis. *e
so. i looked up prognosis of periodontitis or something like that. and i. it’s moderate - severe. so obviously that’s not good. um. so evidently. scurvy is really easy to treat. just have more vi...
um. dental tooth thing.
so. i got some answers. i got one answer as to why dr. l my dentist wouldn’t prescribe antibiotics. bc apparently according to dr. iketa. the guy i saw um on mon. who is not a an endodontist thou...
from oct. 28th - nov. 3rd
oct. 28th - nov. 3rd sun. the 28th did laundry. mon. nothing. on the 30th i went out. the store dollar store probably. and starbucks. wed. didn’t do anything. thurs. the 1st went to my appt. psyc...
so. i’m behind. uh. the 21st was sun. so i did my laundry. ??..................
movies and. former crypt.
so on the plane er flight i mean. yes on the flight. i watched well actually. on the way back, from london i watched part of a movie called american animals. it was really interesting. evan peter...
lady at phantom. and flights.
omygod. so. it must’ve been during intermission or the second act. anyway this lady i think she was russian. she sat down right in front of my mom & i. when there were other available seats i...
copied from my fb: ‘ so. and i’ve not got photos of this. as at the time there were 2 other birds on me on my shoulder and my head. but like i said. we fed parakeets. w/ peanuts. since evidently ...
tea lebonese food.
so like i said. i um. we had tea at the english rose cafe. it was so cute. it smelled like roses. we got vanilla chai and a full tea service w/ the little sandwiches. oh and one day we had lebon...
museums nat'l
right so as put: ‘ 2 museums. v&a and british. as well as the nat’l portrait gallery. where actually we heard 2, free talks. ‘ yeah so the v&a is cool. it was my second visit there. We ha...
hyde park trafalgar sq.
um so like i said. we went to hyde park and trafalgar sq. Right well. the peter pan statue is in hyde park and i love it. i’m just. so happy there. peter pan, evidently, was a bit of a jerk accor...
window shopping. church music thingys.
uh so. like i said we window shopped at Harrod’s and F&mM. Harrod’s the past 2 yrs. [that’s including this one] they haven’t had great window displays. A few I liked but that was about it. al...
shows. book of mormon dreamgirls phantom.
so like i said we saw 3 shows. on our first day which was sat. we saw book of mormon. it was. i thought it would be funny but it wasn’t v. funny. i also don’t like that kindof humour. apparently....
11.5 months.
since i keep mentioning it. it’s been. a little over 11.5 months since i sustained my concussion. wow.
back. and i have good news.
well. besides that i’m back and i’m here and all that. oh i was in london w/ my mom got back um. earlier tonight. Right so the good news. for those who don’t know [and i think most of those on he...
acceptance. and idinno.
yes more from me. yall know me [some of you.]. when something big goes on i keep on blogging about it forever. [not really.]. and if not then. i don’t. actually something i like about blogging. i...
communication. and well fuk there goes another one. drea.
so again. this is the reason i don’t talk to people. Now Drea. is someone i’ve come to before w/ things. i know her from HS i’ve mentioned her before in here. in fact when i came out to her back ...
bruising. communication. antibiotics.
so. i forgot to mention that i have slight bruising on. where the lady..........Shannon yes Shannon. from where she did the blood draw. she was better then the guy 3 yrs. ago when i got my blood ...
deep cleaning. and trust. and changed her tune.
btw. i emailed my mom something i’d typed up on consent forms. so. dr. nick [perio] has mentioned this at least twice a deep cleaning. evidently it’s going to be done by dr. lisa well she is my m...
nervous. and um the reason i said yes. blood test results.
so. like i said the test results come back........fri. they’ll be online apparently. either that or mailed. well part of the reason i agreed, to all the blood tests they did. 7 tubes [which btw i...
how i'm doing. and emotional impact.
um i’m. i’m alrite. i’m agitated which apparently for women is a symptom of. er i mean side effect sorry. Rather is a side effect. of amoxicillin. also just it’s a lot. not the physical act of ta...
recurrance. and emotional impact.
so like i said in my. last entry. sure i was feeling great. ..........up untill about an hr. and 20 mins. ago. it’s now 2:30 so............at 1:20. and then i started to get nauseous and dizzy. ...