by toddslife
Entries 346
Page 5 of 14
Aug 7 2022
p at 8.30 am. to iTunes. 9.24 am to 10 30 am online. 10 30 am 12.17 pm to g get free lunch today was pasta. no reading today 2.41 pm to 4.00 pm online. 6 00 pm to 7.00 pm supper ...
aug 6 2022
up at 8.30 am to iTunes. 9.21 am to 10 03 am online. 10 16 am to 11.56 pm get free Lunch today was a sandwich had it at home 100pm to 2.31 pm reading. 2.31 pm to 400pm online 4.0...
Aug 5 2022
up at 8.30 am 8.53 am to 9.21 am itunes . 9.21 am to 10 30 online 10 30 t0 12. 43 pm downtown to get rant money out. 100pm to 1.40 pm lead down. 200pm to 3.00pm Hospital . 30pm to ...
Aug 2 2022
up at 8.30 am, to iTunes 9.18 am to 10 12 am online .10 30 am to 12 27 pm to get free lunch today was a piece of chicken and a slice of pizza. 100pm to 1.40 pm reading .200pm to 3.0...
Aug 1 2022
up at 8.30 am 9.40 am to 10 20 am online . 10 30 am to 12 10 get free lunch today was meet lofe photos peas. 100pm to 1.40 p reading .200pm to 3.00pm General Hospital . 300pm to 3.40 ...
july 27 2022
up at 8.30 am. to iTunes. 9.21 am to 10 10 am online 10 30 am to get free lunch today was sausages and slid . 1.00pm to 1.40 pm some reading 200pm to 3.00pm General Hospital . 3....
july 27 2022
up at 8.30 am. to iTunes. 9.23 am to 10 05 am online. From 10 21 am to 1215 pm to kings way food bank then got free lunch today was some kind of pasta stuff. 12.15 pm to 1.00 pm food aw...
july 25 2022
monday july 27 2022 sorry no post today had it all saved and my PC froze and crashed so I had to reboot my PC and lost the post UnpublishEditDelete
JULY 24 2022
up at 8.30 am. 8. 30 am to iTunes. 9.30 am to 10 22 am online 10 50am to 12.30 pm o get free Launch today was pasta. 100pm to 2. 40 pm reading. 2.40 pm to 4. 47 pm online. 600pm to 70...
july 22 2022
FRIDAY July 22 2022 up at 8.30 am. 8 .50 am to .9.21 am itines 9.26 am to 10 12 am online . 10 12 am to 11,30 am laid down . 11 30 am to 1.00 pm lunch at k f c had 3 chicken fries and ...
july 20 2022
up at 8. 30 am, did iTunes. 9.31 am to 10. 10 am online. 10 20 am to12.18 pm get launch and go to kings way food bank. 12.18 m to 12.45 pm food away. 12.45 pm to 3.00 pm lead down. 3...
July 19 2022
up at 9.02 am to 9.20 am iTunes. 9.26 am to 10110 am online. 10.40 am to 12.31 pm to get free lunch today was a slice of pizza. 1.00 pm 1,40 p some reading. 2.00pmto 3.00 pm Genera...
july 17 2022
up at 8.30 am. to iTunes. 9.40 am to 10 05 am online . 10 40 am to 12 37 pm to get free lunch today was s pasta and meetlofe . 100pm to 2. 39 pm reading. 2.39 pm to 3.40 pm online...
july 16 2022
up at 8.30 am. to iTunes. 9.30 am to 10.00 am online. 10 40 am to 12.19 am get free lunch today was pasta and a sloppy joe. no reading today. 2.20 pm to 5.40 pm to gage park . t...
july 15 2022
Friday July 15 2022 up at 8.30 am. to iTunes. 9. 30 am to 10.00 am online. 10 00 am to 100pm downtown. 1.00 pm to 1.40 pm reading 200pmto 3.00 pm General Hospital . 3. 3.40 pm had a s...
July 14 2022
up at 8.30 am. to iTunes. to 9.50 am online. 10 30 am to 12 15 pm to get free lunch today was a sandwich. 100pm to 1.40 pm reading. 200pm to 300pm general Hospital. 300pm...
july 12 2022
up at 8.30 am to iTunes. 9.30 am to 10.00 am online .10 30am to 12.15 pm get free lunch today was a slice of pizza and a piece of chicken. 100pm to 1.40 pm reading. 200pm to 3.00 pm Gener...
july 11 2022
up at 8.30 am. to iTunes. 9.25 am to 10 00 am online. 10 40 am to 12.30 to get free Lunch today was soup and sandwich wow soup 2 days in a row. 100pm to 1.40 pm reading. 2.00 pm to 3.00 ...
july 10 2022
up at 8.30 am. to iTunes. 9.25 am to online. 10 30 am to 12 20 pm get free Lunch today was soup. 100pm to 2.37 pm reading. 2.37 pm to 3.25 pm online. 5.25 pm to 600pm supper had ...
july 9 2022
Saturday july 9 2022 up at 8.30 am. 8.50 am to 9.22 am iTunes. 9.22 am to 10.00 am online. 10.00 am to 1.00 pm to get free lunch today was sloppy joes. then town got a new charger cable for...
july 8 2022
Friday JULY 8 2022 up at 8.30 am to iTunes. 9.16 am to 10 .00 am online. $10.00 am to &12 15 pm to metro used $25.00 gift card 418.40 left is $6. 51 then to popeyes had 3 chick...
july 7 2022
up at 8.30 am. 8.55 am to iTunes. 9.24 am to 10 00 am online. 10 00 am to 10 30am laid down. 10 30 am to 12.10 pm to get free Lunch today was 2 sausages and rice and bun. 12.10 pm. 100pm...
july 6 2022
up at 8. 30 am . to iTunes. 9.16 am to 10 . 00am online. 10.00 am to 10 30 am lead down . 10 30 am to 12. 00 pm get free food today was a sub. 12.00 pm to 12 30 pm suff in the room...
july 5 2022
up at 8.30 am. to iTunes. 9.21 am to 10.00 am online 10 00 am to 11. 30 am lead down. 100pm to 1.40 pm reading. 200pm to 3.00 pm General Hospital. 3.0pm to 3.40 pm had a shower. 3....
july 4 2022
up at 8. 30 am to iTunes. 9.20 am to 9. 46 am online. 10 30 am to 12 14 pm free lunch today was a sandwich. 100pm to 1.40 pm some reading . 200pm to 30pm General Hospital . 300pm . ...
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