

by J.E.

Entries 1,637

Page 17 of 66

DOING SHIT TODAY!!! Rest and relaxation, not leaving the house Hours later… Piggy Piggy oink oink So far I’ve eaten a ham and roast beef sandwich, a slice from last night’s meatloaf and I just po...

July 28, 2023

Meatloaf Recipe (Update)

Instead of copying it out of the cookbook I found the recipe online. 6:24 PM Hot damn was tha...

Court today. It didn’t go too well but I’m still a free man. Suffice to say I don’t want to talk about it. My ritual for after court is to hit up Tenders and get lunch. Swear to everything hol...

July 27, 2023

I'm Melting! Melting!

Holy Flying Spaghetti Monster is it fucking hot outside! Just got in from running errands and now I am NOT leaving the house again. High today is 97. It’s almost 1 PM and it’s already 92. Pi...

July 27, 2023

Lazy Day

Didn’t feel well this morning so I messaged the counselor I’m staying in. Monday and Tuesday I’ve had a bunch of things to do after therapy so today is my lazy day. I’m not doing anything excep...

July 24, 2023

My Gums Are On Fire

Went to the taco truck after group. Loaded them down with the red and green chili sauce. Mmm burning deliciousness. The order comes with four and now I want four more. After mom eats we’re hea...

July 24, 2023

Stir Fry-Day On Sunday

Ended up going to Publix, yet again. They had a BOGO sale on some fruit mom wanted so I loaded up on blueberries and strawberries. Also got a salad mix, baby spinach, more zucchini, fresh mushr...

Play on titles. Operation Market Garden was a WWII offense in the Netherlands and the Chik-Fil-A part is about their market salad. Needless to say where we had lunch today. I had to take her t...

No punchline. That’s just my old crew and I going out to party.

July 21, 2023


For starters, those fucking dogs were in my backyard again. Called 911 who put me in touch with Animal Control who got my address who then promptly never showed up. Even went online to look up ...

92 F/33 C Dear lawd the humidity. It’s like walking into a hot wet fart in a sauna. I haven’t mowed the lawn since before mom went into the hospital. Backyard wasn’t so bad, knocked it out in ...

July 20, 2023

I Don't Want It!

I just need it! To breathe! To feel! To know I’m alive! Tool - Stinkfist Cravings suck. Under my usual guise of getting a Mt. Dew icee I drove to the liquor store. Arguing with myself the whole...

I crashed after ten something and woke up a little after midnight. When I realized I wasn’t getting back to sleep I went ahead and tossed another load of laundry in the dryer. 2:15 AM now and h...

July 18, 2023

Emergency Network

Swear to the flying spaghetti monster I’m ready to put the remote through the tv every time the ANK ANK ANK of the emergency broadcast system keeps coming on today. We’re under a thunder storm w...

July 18, 2023

Ultimate Face Palm

She lost her discharge papers (which had the instructions of what she needed to do) and now I’m convinced she’s giving herself the wrong dosage of insulin. Even after checking the dosage info on...

July 17, 2023

Sleep Walker

Though I managed a nap when I got in from group, I’m still in a zombie haze. Feels like I could curl up on a hardwood floor and sleep twelve more hours. Currently sitting at T Mobile with mom. ...

July 17, 2023

Restless Night

12:53 AM I drank some iced coffee earlier, twas good. Dinner didn’t turn out quite as good as I had hoped. To me the chicken was a bit bland, the zucchini tasted off and I wasn’t big on the flav...

July 17, 2023


Those fucking dogs… I wrote a while back about the new neighbors letting their two pitbulls run around with no collar or leash (or supervision…) Well, I was grilling tonight and while whipping up...

July 15, 2023

Afternoon Naps

Smokey is in my lap, mom is crashed out in her recliner. The oxygen machine they gave her keeps making me think the dryer is on cause of the noises it makes. I’m gonna have to wake her in a few ...

Where were they when I drove mom to chemo for cancer? Where were they when I changed out her bandages and wiped her clean? Where were they when she had nuemonia and I visited her everyday when I ...

July 15, 2023

Tired AF

After I dropped mom off at home I went to the pharmacy to get her meds. When I got back home she realized they didn’t give her the insulin. I had to head back to the hospital and find out what ...

July 14, 2023


She was released earlier this morning around 11-ish. Right now I’m sitting at Walgreens getting her prescriptions filled. It’s so fucking hot and humid outside! This is by far the hottest damn ...

July 13, 2023

Philly Dilly

She now has nuemonia. Ugh. She has to do three days of antibiotics then MAYBE she can come home. Currently at home on the couch munching on a Philly from Publix with a bag of sour cream and o...

July 12, 2023

Tired And Headache

I got two hours of sleep this morning. Peeled myself off the couch and went to group. There I developed a headache from hunger. After I rode by the hospital to visit mom a bit and show off the...

July 12, 2023

Flamin' Hot

Just got back from visiting. She got her ice and around 5:30ish they brought her dinner. Why does hospital food look inedible? Pointless story time. I stopped by the vending machines in the lob...

Book Description

I came on my own volition.
I am the man that got away.

Work -
Tonight I clocked in at 4:30 PM and it was suddenly Wednesday when I worked 6:45 AM to 6 PM with only an hour lunch break and on my feet the rest. I was trying to relieve Logan in the back who was frying chicken both for our loose case and boxed hot case so he could go to lunch. Instead I got mixed with a redneck who wanted a Philly steak and cheese. I made his sandwich to order only to be confronted with the elderly gentleman behind him. He, to this shit. o, wanted a Philly. I was annoyed. Angry. Granted chicken side cooking sucks At least you’re away from the customers. I can, “pretend”, like I’m cooking chicken in the back but dick around for ten minutes, which actually rarely happens. You learn to smile and accept this shit. Made him his sandwich, didn’t stop to ask the next customer if he needed help. Instead, went straight to the back and told Logan to take his lunch, I was taking over, box up what just came up out the fryer and we’re good.

It was just one of those days. People wonder why I get stoned before work.



I’m versatile.
Put me in any situation and I come victorious.
Even on the bad days.

So when I go the hardcore bitch mode of my assistant manager on Wednesday after my eleventh hour there. I got irate.

I know she does a job for two.
Her boss/my boss sucks ass.
But fuck....I’m part time.
If you want to bitch and yell about the shit that the full timers didn’t do…bitch to them.
I’ve been working for this slave camp for three and a half years.
I lost my insurance last year due to me being stupid and the store manager catching on. Which is actually a big blessing. I haven’t missed a day in a year.

But I’ve been there for every shift.
Sleep, no sleep?
Fuck it.
Show up for work.
The computer takes over on schedule and now I don’t qualify for our good insurance.
I have to take the government stuff?
I’m a democrat.
Don’t tell me what to do.
I’ll go another year without health insurance.
I want my good Blue Cross Blue Shield Back.
Make my job give me the hours back for insurance.

People close to me say I need to see a therapist.
After A.A. and an almost check in at rehab.
Maybe I do need anti-depressants.

This is a rant with no one I know reading this.
Its liberating.

I welcome ProseBox into my life.