Entries 36
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Did an abdominal work out. Feel like I’m doing. I might puke. I didn’t even finish the darn thing. This is much more difficult than anticipated. Owwww!
Must I Beg?
Talk to me. I miss your voice.
Tired Brain
The anxiety and stress is really eating at me today for some reason.
Trying Not to Give In
Ever watched yourself slowly go insane? https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=5Ez17h1EkK8&feature=share Please pray for me. It’s just starting to be too much. I can’t shake it off when people are...
Am I okay? No. Nerves, anxiety Seeing double meanings behind everything. Ahhh brain… It’s sleeping time. Sleep, Please please sleep!
Tell My Brain to Simmer the Fuck Down
So naturally as I’m doing my math quiz my brain decides it’s the right time to go over every interaction that could have gone terribly wrong without my having noticed. It ran out of J related int...
In Hindsight
It seems as if you were expecting something from me. I’m not sure what social obligation it was that I failed at. A compliment? A tear? A conversation? What was the desired outcome? Were you wait...
Famous Last Words
As he stood a’front the gates o’ pearl clutching his severed head he exclaimed with utter dread: “Was it something I said!?”
I’m so tired right now that my brain is broken.
Buddy Hugs
I like side hugs, buddy hugs. Sometimes they are the best because there is no awkwardness there. You never have to worry about holding on too tight or too long. There’s no concern of proportion, ...
Book Description
For those little thoughts that are sometimes so big.