
These titles mean nothing.

by woman in the moon

Entries 863

Page 13 of 35

September 24, 2020

Mr. Hitchens

I’ll put this here because no one cares what I do here. What do you think though - what would happen if I posted it on Facebook? Where my friends and neighbors and relatives all live?

September 24, 2020

My opinion - ha ha ha

DT and I finally have something in common. I am not a fan of MM either and I too wish Harry luck - BUT - what the ex-royal couple said does not endorse Biden. It could just as well be interpr...

September 20, 2020

An era ended

September 19, 2020

Prizes awarded

‘beamer and beater alike’ = second best phrase this morning. First was ‘rough hewn locals’. I’m beginning to feel a little like I did about Open Diary. God, we need some creativity around he...

September 18, 2020

I'm in a mood.

Not a bad one. Edgy maybe. My life feels full right now. I have things to say and I think I might be able to sit still long enough to say at least some of them. Thank you for reading ab...

I visited my brother’s grave yesterday - first time since his ashes were buried in the Minnesota Veterans Cemetery in Preston. It’s a new cemetery and it’s beautiful. The stone work was done...

Oh my god - not another list!!!?? Guess so. Here goes — I ate a whole Amish apple pie in the last 24 hours. Half in daylight, half in dark. It was quite tasty - made with fresh apples, I bel...

September 01, 2020

Learn a new word... Not transubstantiation, but petrichor, defined at the end. And this - I’m stealing for you… but it’s s...

August 30, 2020

I am profoundly pissed

One too many syllables for the first line of an haiku. One too few for the middle line. Doesn’t work for the last line either. Feel free to argue with me about whether haiku deserves ‘a’ or ...

August 20, 2020

I know I'm being a pest.

But take a look and listen at this. It’s Bob Crosby’s band. He was Bing’s little brother and pretty good in his own right. The song Bing Noise in Winnetka came to my mind when I saw one of ...

August 18, 2020

22 years ago

Look at the hairlines I’ll be back in a bit. Meanwhile. Look at this.

August 15, 2020

God, look at this.

It’s only 27 seconds… Listen too. Let it run a couple times. It gets better with repetition. Is it Whitney? mama said....

…too bad they have to grow up. Oh heck. I was going to give you Mrs. Biden for equal time, but then I found this and it was charming as heck. Note - Dave plays the same number game with both ...

July 24, 2020

July 23, 2020

No news tonight. Uncomfortable feeling. I’ll write tomorrow.

July 19, 2020

July 19, 2020

Is 750 too many words? I’m sure entries can be written with fewer words. Good ones, insightful ones, ones that comfort both writer and reader. In the long run, it probably doesn’t matter. We...

July 14, 2020

Life as we know it


July 13, 2020

July 12, 2020

Four living writers and their books I’ve read and liked Claire Messud - born 1966 The Last Life - 1999 The Emperor’s Children - 2006 The Woman Upstairs - 2013 The Burning Girl - 2017 Lily King - ...

July 01, 2020


This is the begonia I was rooting on the windowsill by the sink. It wants to bloom so hard. Now it’s in a bigger pot and it’s outside. I was out on the deck this morning for sunrise. Troubl...

June 27, 2020

Twitter page

Room rater. Not sure if you can get there or not but it’s a lot of fun. IMHO. Rater likes exposed brick, plants, lit lamps, and art.

Saturday morning. Waiting for Joana to get up. Pills on her plate. Cereal bowl and spoon, half a banana, a graham cracker. When she gets up I will mix a Carnation Instant Breakfast and pou...

Joana’s tv antenna, the one my brother brought over to go with the tv John bought at Walmart. It provides almost as much Perry Mason as one could want. And my tuna can rain gauge. The tw...

June 25, 2020

caution animal lovers!

![alt text](http://)

June 25, 2020

Porch Cats

oh and kittens too, but you’ll have to wait for them.

June 06, 2020

Ok, gourmies.....

… what should I do with ONE avocado?

Book Description

Just a few words that don’t mean anything.