
General Mental Anesthesia

by Exhumed By Scrying Eyes

Entries 138

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Lot’s of pics and short video clips for you to enjoy… after a brief diatribe… I hate the naming of these winter storms! The Weather Channel started it in 2012, but I’m against it (many are in f...

JaVidMo - A video of your favorite holiday / time of year. Well, of course that’s Halloween!!! I mean c’mon… But… I’m going to surprise you and go with something I don’t think anyone else will...

January 02, 2018

JVM 1 - About Me

Gahhh!!! Got a late start because of power issues! Oh well… A montage of crap about me. :) Welcome to January Video Month! From yesterday, things have been repaired. I don’t know what the p...

So how’s this for a new year… It’s 24 degrees outside and dropping, tonight will bottom out in the teens with single digit wind chills and something is wrong with the electrical system in the ho...

December 29, 2017

DePhoMo 28 & 29

Dec 28 About Me OR Around Me ABOUT ME I’m a filmmaker, special effects artist and I get along great with kids! I’m a writer and award winning published author. I was once a flea in a commercia...

Not that I care because of my health I can’t go anywhere anyways. Ah the trials and tribulations of being Jewish. Our floating Chanukah holiday that can occur anywhere from November through the...

Some of these Dr’s where I live here in North Carolina are incredibly ignorant and stupid! It’s unbelievable!!! I don’t want to go into detail, but you can ask me if you like or look up other ...

A few things: Thank you online friends for this look over the past month. lol. I’m not really mean, I don’t own a harley, the “mutton chops” just make it look that way. I was also in a lot of...

Yesterday I was trying to help my mom by changing her sheets and all I did was pull off the fitted sheet and because of the prednisone withdrawal I felt like I was going to have a heart attack. ...

On Friday I had a chiropractors appt. I’m going 3x/week because of the car crash. Most people tell me they love the traction table… it hurts like hell when I’m on it. At least when the roller ...

December 10, 2017

Dr. Tequila and DePhoMo - 9

Tequila kids… it’s good for what ails ya! Surprisingly, Tequila does have many health benefits (in moderation) and particularly intriguing for those with IBD, such as Ulcerative Colitis (which is...

December 09, 2017

Gold & Rainbows - DePhoMo 8

DePhoMo 8 - Rainbows OR Gold RAINBOWS Double Rainbow GOLD Moses and the Ten Commandments There’s an interesting story behind the above. One Paranormal and Metaphysical in nature; if you...

Just got an injection. The needle was 4 inches long!!! And that sucker went in all the way to the hilt! (hashtag) tushypain Why??? It’s all related… DePhoMo...

I have yet to see a horror film as horror-filled as reality. Trying to write and be more regular (as ironic as that is) giving my current circumstance. I wanted to post some information regardin...

November 28, 2017


“I’m ok” is always the biggest lie, same as “I’m fine”. Two inescapable responses when you can’t truthfully answer questions you wish you weren’t asked in the first place; particularly when the p...

My 1 year old niece was born last year on Nov, 23rd (Thanksgiving, this year). Everyone flew up to Boston to be with family and celebrate the holiday (except me). I couldn’t go because of my he...

November 21, 2017

Motivation Through Humiliation

Yeah, it’s been a bit and I’m sorry about that. I started seeing a chiropractor last week because of aggravation and injuries stemming from the car crash that happened a month ago. (As a refres...

November 10, 2017

Forever in 10 Days

UPDATE & HALLOWEEN PHOTO SHOOT I’ve been wanting to do a photoshoot for my niece for her 1st Halloween (of course my favorite holiday). I had something planned since before the holiday, but w...

Back on Oct 19th, I was in a car crash. Just a “Fender Bender” but the person who hit me I wrote in the police report had to be doing at least 20 mph and she had her foot on the gas, not the bra...

November 04, 2017

Brain Pain & Baby Photo's

My health has really been poor as of late (well… for forever so it seems). Hence why I haven’t been able to finish / post the Halloween pics. I think I’m now suffering with a severe side-effect...

I need to find a way to break my life long bad luck curse once and for all!!! Please Share… Thank you kindly :) Just walked to the garage to get Inspector Noodles (my pug) some food, my first st...

Quick update: The car crash mentioned a few days ago (the fender bender) - I’m still sore, mostly my thoracic spine, but the woman who hit me caused more damage than what’s shown. Without going ...

Before I get into OctoPhoMo… So, I’m on Prednisone and have been for a long time, 13 months at this point. 40mg/day and as high as 250mg/day when hospitalized. I’m desperately trying to get off...

October 24, 2017

OctoPhoMo Day 23

I usually write at length or post something creative, but I’m still recovering from the car crash mentioned in the previous entry. It wasn’t anything major, but as I am currently in a battle of s...

Life’s been giving me quite a few lacerations as of late, yet for some reason I continue to sit on a red ant pile under a lemon tree. With all that’s been going on with me… follow link for more i...

Book Description

If / when I write any “normal” entries they will appear here. By and large however you will find nonsensical random nothings and interpretative, yet cognitive outlandish hogwash; at least… that’s my intention.

So let me ask: Have you ever been a member of the former site: Open Diary? It was before there were bloggers & vloggers & cloggers & whatever the hell is going on now. I was a long time member, myself. Allow me to explain.

My friend asked me to join. Now I personally despise writing a diary, so I had to write the anti-diary. That is to say; I’d write entries, but I would use a lot of metaphors & often metaphors on top of metaphors. It would be so random & bizarre that the only person that would fathom what I was writing was my friend & he did the same thing; only with a lot of spelling errors. We would leave equally confusing notes on other diarist’s entries receiving tens of thousands of comments in return. Over the years, I had accrued an incredible audience (dare I say ‘fanbase’?) Comments were largely complimentary and it fueled the flame to write despite the rejection letters I had received at the time from publishers). If so many people were truly enjoying my words and each day someone new would sign up to read regularly… maybe I was onto something; maybe these publishers weren’t the end all be all of my writing career.

Currently dealing with life or death health issues and the depression and feelings of failure associated with being unable to work or care for myself; I guess I’m here to recapture the feeling of a bygone era.

For more information on my health struggles… please continue to read about me here as well as here:


If you choose to read me at all ; welcome! Feel free to comment. I’m glad you’re here! I can only make you one promise… you shall not be bored. Anything goes, Enjoy.