
Coursera Journal

by Echo

Entries 6

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May 07, 2017


Purpose: critically assess the claim that people today are more stressed than ever, and that stress is a disorder. Task: reflect on the last week and assess the extent to which it reveals you as ...

May 05, 2017

Dis-Easy Living

Do you have ease of being? Purpose: reflect upon the extent to which we really live with dis-ease. Task: think back through your last week and consider those aspects of your life that have troubl...

April 01, 2017


Purpose: consider and share your own experiences with (and knowledge of) Mindfulness-Based Interventions (MBIs). Task: assess and discuss your understanding of the therapeutic and clinical deploy...

March 30, 2017

Experiential Response

They wanted a response to how the first module was for you, basically. I found the first module of this course to be quite informative, even though I’ve been working at mindfulness for a couple o...

March 30, 2017

Discussion Prompt #1

What did that practice feel like? Purpose: reflect upon your experience of a specific meditation practice, and attempt to communicate this experience to others. Task: upon finishing one of the pr...

March 30, 2017

Monk'in Around

Write a short reflection about which of the stereotypes discussed in this module means most to you? Which is most similar to your own opinions, which furthest away? Do you recognise yourself in a...

Book Description

A home for all of the journal entries and assignments for the Mindfulness course I’m taking through Coursera