
Current Events

by TL

Entries 1,431

Page 52 of 58

June 02, 2019

Weekend Realness

I went out to Gimili with my mother this weekend. Her boyfriend inherited a trailer and the lot that it is on. His family is very good at taking care of their things. That trailer is from 1977 an...

May 30, 2019

Little Getaway

Tomorrow I leave for Gimili with my mother. It’s a small town up north that has a harbour at the lake. She has a trailer out there and on mother’s day, she asked me to join her for this weekend. ...

May 29, 2019

Epic Dream

Last night I woke up around 2:30 from an epic dream that I had. I went straight for my iPad to write it down. It was in medieval times and all the nations in the America’s banded together to figh...

May 27, 2019


Exercising has been a form of escapism for me. Especially since I lost my job. This morning I was out the door for a run within an hour of waking up, which is unusual for me. I started to have an...

May 26, 2019


At the beginning of last year, I decided that I wanted to create a new Instagram account. I wanted to take it a little more seriously than it ever needed to be. I had a rough idea about what I wa...

May 24, 2019


My doctor said something about my thyroid yesterday and I should have asked him about it. All he said was that it was pretty full, I don’t know what that means but he is going to keep an eye on i...

May 23, 2019

Short circuit

I don’t know what happened to my mood yesterday. I was feeling my oats and I decided to have an old fashioned selfie sesh but I could not get what I wanted out of it. I only had the house to myse...

May 21, 2019


I overheard my name while my sister was FaceTiming her husband last night. He asked her if I got a job yet. I don’t know why that stressed me out. Probably because it should stress me out!? I got...

May 20, 2019


I uploaded a few photos to my Grindr profile. I’m 33 and unemployed so I figured that I am finally boyfriend material for those thotties lol. Literally, I ignore all the attention that I get. It’...

May 19, 2019


Do you know how I say that my thoughts keep manifesting? Well, girl let me tell you. Yesterday I randomly I had a thought about YouTube having tutorials about how to enlarge a man’s junk and then...

Toni pulled a little something together last minute to celebrate her birthday. Her, Ashley and I went to the casino for a couple of drinks and to push our luck with the slots. None of us left wit...

May 17, 2019

Big Decisions

Yesterday I finally bit the bullet and I looked at my bank account. I will have to admit that I am still in a state of denial. I received my last cheque a week ago. I can go 9-10 more weeks of un...

Yesterday morning was a bit rough for me. I woke up feeling down and I could feel a depression attack coming for me. It was very hard to shake. A depression attack, for me, is when my mind attack...

May 15, 2019

Fight Depression

Sometimes I just need to tune into one of these to help me shake it off.

May 14, 2019


Once upon a time in a multiverse far far away, there was a hot mess named Tom that used to live most of his through Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat. He experienced almost all of his relationship...

May 12, 2019

Unpopular Opinion

I don’t know why I am so enthralled by this James Charles vs Gage Gomez and the James Charles vs Tati drama. Maybe I just like watching narcissists fall from grace? I am hoping that you guys have...

May 11, 2019


Yesterday I woke up feeling pretty decent. Kind of like the way one feels after a good cry. It’s been years since I cried but after how low I felt on Thursday… Anyways, my prayers were answered a...

May 09, 2019

The Old Me

I had told my therapist before he ended his practice that I wanted to be like the old me. That’s a complicated thing to get into on Prosebox but after my last entry, I am asking myself what would...

May 09, 2019


I am really feeling it today. I’ve been inconsolably flustered all day. The day started with our toilet acting up. A lid the size of a Pringles container landed in there when I emptied a mop pail...

May 08, 2019


Today I moped the floors. I was going to go for a run but there are menacing turkeys in the neighbourhood so I decided to stay indoors ALL day and watch Netflix. As you can see, my life is very o...

May 07, 2019


It has now been two weeks since I was fired from my job. A job that I had for the last thirteen years. I’ll be honest with myself and admit that I feel hurt. I know how my managers used to work a...

May 04, 2019

Flash Forward

My nerves hit me so hard while I was browsing for job postings online. I narrowed it down to almost 20 places that I can apply for. The ones that I am the most qualified for and that pay the mos...

I went an entire day without assaulting Prosebox with an entry. You’re welcome. I woke up yesterday in such a good mood. Somebody left a comment explaining to me how they have a moment of anxiety...

May 01, 2019


It all hit me last night. I am unemployed and I have done nothing about it yet. I was fired last Wednesday and that feels like it was weeks ago. I do not feel strong enough to fight for my future...

April 29, 2019


Today is the day that I said I would start mapping out my next move. I want to be intentional and precise about what I do next. Preserving my mental health is still my top priority and that has b...

Book Description

Things happening in my life currently