by pbrman
Entries 79
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I tore my what?
So if you’ve been reading, and why wouldn’t you, I have a medial meniscus tear in my right knee. I heard from the doctor’s office today to schedule an appointment for them to arthroscopically um ...
Can't thnk of a title
As some of you who actually read me might know, I’ve had a little issue with my knee. The doctor recommended physical therapy which only made the problem worse, and cost me over $300 in co-pays (...
Just as I was about to post this a spider about the size of a small ham crawled out from under my stapler and scampered across my desk. Ya that kind of sums up my day. Just needed to add that. I...
Here I be
I took the leap. I’ve switched sides, ok just to be painfully clear I guess I should have said switched sites. Anywho, I don’t have much to write about at the moment but I did want to write somet...