by pbrman
Entries 79
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flashes in the bathroom
Ugh, I’ve been having a tough time recently, there have been some changes at work and well my job has changed, at least in my opinion not for the better. Enough to dust off the resume and conside...
St. Patricks Day & Linsay Lohen
Since it’s been wicked fucking cold out for much of this winter I have been spending my time watching older series on Showtime On Demand. Went through Dexter, Homeland, Shameless and now Nurse Ja...
Battery back-up
I was late to work again today, but this time it really wasn’t my fault. Ok let me explain. My alarm didn’t go off. My alarm didn’t go off because my buildings power went out, and also because Em...
fun house sitting
I’m pet/house sitting this weekend, started yesterday. 2 dogs, 1 cat, 2 birds, 1 gecko and some sort of rodent. The dogs are on more pills than my 80 year old mother. Ugh. On the plus side the ho...
dragon ass
I haven’t written in a while, just haven’t had the time to do so. Work has just been kicking my ass. I’ve been playing words with friends against a friend of mine who just had shoulder surgery. H...
'nother snow day
I always get excited about snow days. I guess it's a left over feeling from being young and snow always presented the chance that school would be cancelled. Now as an adult it presents the chance...
Smell that?
I’m feeling better, that Alka Seltzer cold/cough/leprosy stuff really works. And it has that added feature of entertainment watching it fizzle around in the glass for a few minutes. It’s slightly...
getting sick
For some reason I can’t get into OD, it’s almost like the whole web page shut down or something, but then again I haven’t seen anyone else talking about it so I’m sure it’s just some glitch that ...
Snow day
I always get excited when I hear it’s going to snow. Yesterday didn’t disappoint, when I woke up there were a few inches already on the ground and it was supposed to snow most of the day, we ende...
Revolving door + Pizza, why?
Had a pretty good weekend, My brother came over to watch the super bowl which was nice. Watching Peyton Manning completely unravel is oddly very satisfying. Especially because I’m a Patriots fan....
OD going, going.....
I keep trying to write but then I don’t or I get interrupted with like work or something. I mean I am at work so I guess I can’t really complain that much, but really, the nerve. Everyone is all ...
Global Warming you say?
Work has picked up quite a bit, which has cut into my web surfing time. Also it makes updating here more difficult. Anywho, I did text back to the mystery girl last week and we traded texts back ...
and you are??????
So, I’m minding my own business last night. Playing GTA V and doing laundry (I know, livin’ the dream) and my phone beeps that I have a text, don’t think much of it and keep playing. Finally I lo...
Baby got back
The motivation problem I was suffering from on Friday seemed to disappear the moment I stepped out the door at work, it reappeared this morning as I walked in through the door. I think it has som...
Can I buy you a drink?
Feeling tired and run down today. I slept through my alarm and woke up somewhat confused at 8:45, I’m supposed to start work at 8:30. I get to work around 9:50, a new record for lateness. I just ...
These aren't the droids you're looking for
FX had been playing all the Star Wars movies at various times over the past week or so. I’ve seen all of them more times than I can count. Being the old guy that I am, I remember seeing the origi...
ending 2013
With the surgery behind me and my knee healing well I stumbled into my Christmas vacation. My company shuts down (mostly) from Christmas to New Years. I look forward to this every year. A paid we...
Hi Doctor Nick!
I had my surgery Thursday and it went well, at least that’s what the doctor said after I woke up, in fact that’s all he said. He said it went well and then walked away. I have a follow up appoint...
surgery tomorrow
Tomorrow I’m finally going under the knife, or since this is going to be arthroscopic maybe I should say under the needle. I have a tear in my meniscus and hopefully this will fix it. Apparently ...
makin' it rain....in the beer aisle
So on my way home from work yesterday I stopped at the grocery store to pick up a 12 pack of beer. I see some Miller lite on the top shelf about shoulder height, I grabbed the handle of the previ...
fav holiday
It’s 2:30 in the afternoon, I’m sitting at my desk at work with a good amount to do and very little motivation to do it. Could it be because it’s the day before Thanksgiving and almost no one is ...
Sunday night TV, without the TV.
The weekend was much needed, as well as the cheap beer. Sunday night found me at the supermarket picking up a few things for the week. I get into the shortest line and if front of me are a young-...
Done, just done
Is it 5:00 yet? All I wanna do is pick up a really cheap six pack (old Milwaukee, Falstaff, Shiltz or the like) on my way home from work, veg in front of the tv till previous mentioned six pack i...
Demand better
I’ve started writing an entry about 6 times over the last couple of weeks. I just can’t seems to get any thoughts down on paper (screen). I read what I write and it’s like incoherent ravings, mos...
But I don't want a sub
So I’m here at work trying to be all stealthy with my internet usage so that no one sees that instead of diligently toiling away at some mundane task I am really looking for a free agent to pick ...