Entries 11
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I felt so damn good after I wrote my last entry. I felt like I took a huge load off my feet and I had a good day today. I should write more often. I was talking to a kid at work today, a twenty ...
Ever troll somebody that you used to have a crush on to see what they’re up to? If you haven’t, don’t. Why did I do that to myself? I still feel like I am going through some heavy shit when I’m n...
I wrote down an action plan for 2018. It literally gives me anxiety just thinking about it. Today I started a new piece of my 2018 journey. I am hoping that tomorrow will be the start of somethin...
Not a lot of people know this but quitting masturbation is hard (no pun intended). The no fap movement is suppose to do wonders for my social anxiety and I am desperate. I deleted a terabyte wort...
Open wounds
I am overwhelmed. I felt lonely for a second and some of my scars have opened. I don’t know if I am depressed because I kind of like how sad I feel. I had been so numb for so long. I’m actually l...
I can’t connect to anything. Not to my tv shows or music. Not to my social media or text messages. I can’t connect to anyone. Not to my family or my friends. I don’t even feel depressed I’m just ...
iLike likes
Brent Everett, the pornstar commented on my latest IG post. It was just an emoji and basically click bait but I accept the ego boost. Brent Corrigan liked a selfie of mine last year and I fangirl...
Looking for trouble
I let myself overthink it and then I had a sex dream about Zach. It was hot. He came on a little strong at work today. I think he wants it too. I’m going to make it happen.
Not gay enough
Stating my opinions is very much out of my comfort zone. I never pursued a post secondary education so I just don’t have the same degrees that my friends aren’t using so I just keep my mouth shut...
Cue The Crisis
My midlife crisis is coming early. I have severe FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out). I don’t know what I am doing with my life. I haven’t even loved and lost. Everything just feels like it had been a com...
I took this week off so I could cleanse my thoughts. I need to disconnect from people and work. I want to be left with my wants and needs so I can set myself some goals and come up with an action...