
Second 1st

by JHkerriokey

Entries 994

Page 35 of 40

August 03, 2018

tad anxious

Feeling pretty good this morning.... at this moment (just after food) I feel about 90%. I’m hopeful that she gets the FMLA papers in today..... so that maybe they get passed along before the end ...

August 02, 2018

FMLA revised

Had a real good conversation with the Doc. She said she was proud of how I’ve been handling the low sodium diet and talks about me to her other Meniere’s patients. She has one lady who just keep ...

August 02, 2018

expected today

Dizzy still today. I’ve made note for what to talk to the doctor about. Honestly starting to think temporary disability might be a good idea. I don’t know. I’m just tired and dizzy.... and foggy....

August 01, 2018

Black Vultures-Halestorm

Appointment went as expected. I’m feeling a bit dizzy today so Rocky told me I needed to call the ENT again. The Nursing staff lady told me that “Nicole (the Doctor) said you guys had discussed w...

August 01, 2018

budget meeting

I feel like we had a good “budget meeting” last night. I ran it like a class kinda and had Rocky do it too. Had them write down the Needs, Wants and Long term goals. Then write down how much each...

July 31, 2018

learn to relax?

I called the DR. 15 mins till 5 because no one had called back and.... surprise surprise no one answered. I’m mentally prepping for a budget talk hopefully when Sammy gets home from work.... rou...

July 31, 2018

Day on hold.

Went and got groceries and paid some bills (online). I called the docs office about FMLA and trying to make another appointment to talk about the FMLA, frequency of symptoms (even though I’m low ...

July 31, 2018

The assessment

Sammy (the brother in law) asked me last night if I could help him with a budget. The only time we are going to have to do that will me early afternoon Wednesday. After I get back from the doc an...

July 30, 2018

FMLA, joke approved

Because of feeling bad last week I decided I was going to have to put crappy book aside in order to read a book I got on Meniere’s because… health… it’s spaced hugely and really isn’t that many p...

This is how we don’t fight.....yet when I feel like it is a battle I win. The other day when we were talking about Sammy and his not doing basic home things I had told Rocky that I felt like I co...

Made it TO work this morning. That should count for something, right?..... I was feeling bad when I left but wasn’t getting motion sick from the drive. It did however start setting in when I got ...

July 25, 2018

Big stuff.

A few large things. i’m sorry I’m never here. i really am. I always am. i miss reading those that I do and currently I’m behind by 102 entries!.... If it’s not Overtime keeping me away it’s this ...

June 25, 2018

so far .... okay

As always I get behind.... distracted with nothing in life. I did sign up with Uber/UberEats and lyft. I worked then the first time last week. No time have I gone out yet in which I stayed busy ....

May 01, 2018

What kids?

There are children playing a wrestling game in my living room and I want to scream. I don’t know them, I don’t like them. In this last 3 hours they have been all the things I don’t like about chi...

May 01, 2018

drunkin drugs

This morning I’m feeling..... drunk.... that fun little bit most call tipsy. The world isn’t moving but it could be .... just one more.... except I haven’t had any. The drug I was given against v...

April 30, 2018


I was home for my normal 4 days last week and didn’t check in once :(. Rocky’s tests for his heart showed nothing… which I guess is good. I’d rather there be a conclusive answer but at least it’s...

October 06, 2017

more active than normal

Sunday night went out with Marco. Amongst the party goers? Christy and Taylor, Carl… none of those I’ve ever mentioned and honestly are only cameos .... we aren’t going to become sudden best frie...

September 29, 2017

jumble jumble

Again I’ve been bad.... not as bad as I have been but bad… i made a list though. looks at last entry I haven’t gotten to do anything with Instacart because all the hours for this area are always ...

August 25, 2017

left early, Instacart

Left work early, 6 hours early. I’ve had nausea and a headache all morning. So their has been the “your pregnant” conversations. The foods at lunch had me nearly throwing up. I’ve been home oh......

August 25, 2017


I can’t think of anything interesting this week except that Joshua had a nightmare about the moon eating the sun. He told my mom that the sun was never going to rise again. smh I don’t know how h...

I have lost the order for the weekend but I do have things. Discovered that I was taking Joshua for the eclipse. IT WAS AWESOME and I’m soooo the opposite of disappointed that we are talking abou...

August 19, 2017

this mornings thoughts

I ended up telling mom about my facial piercings over text yesterday morning. She asked where they were and told me to be careful but otherwise did not react that I can tell. We will see come Mon...

August 18, 2017

eclipse panic

So I was relieved and excited for Joshua because his school was doing a thing .... apparently thy have determined the eclipse to be unsafe to view and are closing school for the day. smh I’m gon...

Woke at 6 this morning. Which as you know is about 2 hours later than normal. I haven’t done anything. Got up, got dressed, and fell asleep putting my shoes on. Managed to get coffee started and ...

August 16, 2017

looking forward to darkness

I sent a text to my mom this morning asking about eclipse glasses for Joshua because I had seen on my Facebook Feed that county A was going to be out of school the 21st.... Pretty much that enoug...

Book Description

I was away, I am back. It seems like my world is all kinds of changed since I had blogged regularly before so I shall start a new book.