
Second 1st

by JHkerriokey

Entries 990

Page 19 of 40

My head is killing me this morning. Stupid rain.... ugh … I hate so much that the way I feel depends so much on the weather. I’m so tired of picking through what I can and cannot eat to ensure be...

March 15, 2020

social distancing? ha

Basically read the last 2 real entries to Rocky before he went to work.... Rocky told me he’s kinda mad at his work because .... Yesterday one of the girls he worked with wasn’t feeling well. She...

Went and got mom nice and early yesterday to hit the Give me a 5. I won’t do it again. I mean I think I’m gonna go twice next week honestly .... I didn’t find anything yesterday. It’s just that i...

March 13, 2020


I went to the Wal-Mart to get some cream cheese. Rocky suggested I make a salsa thing to snack on and it sounded good. There it a jar of Mango salsa in the cupboard that’s been in there awhile we...

March 12, 2020

Regular things

I’ve been up since 3:15.... I had been rolling around restlessly since Rocky came in at almost 1. My head is loud and I took a look at the weather … sigh I hope he gets up at a decent time… but ...

March 11, 2020

normal stuff

The sun did not way him yesterday but he did get up about 10:30. We were actually able to go pick up my car so we did that and then got groceries. When we got from getting the car (and before gro...

March 10, 2020

progress sort of

Rocky got up really early (for him) and we took my car to our car guy. We talked some over breakfast and were resolved to get things done when we got home. I cleaned the bathroom and started on i...

March 09, 2020

It's loud in here today.

Got up Yesterday and did my things then got to it. Left not long after Rocky did for work. I stopped by Food Lion because I forgot laundry detergent....once I left there I realized I forgot the r...

March 08, 2020


There is a box of cookies from Subway on the freezer, obviously meant to smooth things over. They are going in his lunch bag like thanks but no thank you, I’m still mad..... and I will be till I ...

March 07, 2020

You know, children.

I was almost to my moms when I got his call.... “we should wait till Monday to do this” “why?” “You left my cookies on the table in the living room” “No, that’s your bad. They go in the cupboard ...

March 07, 2020

here's to being hopeful

Do you ever get the vibe off someone.... when you ask them to do something and they act like it’s no problem but you just know they aren’t going to do it? I will be gone most of the day today and...

March 06, 2020

Planned out for the day

I missed doing tarot cards yesterday.... when timing came I had to give up something and my choices were the MTurk 10, attempting a workout, or tarot.... succeeded at everything else.... well… go...

March 04, 2020


At some point when we were out yesterday Rocky said Ä girl at work told me that the local government in her town put out a PSA saying: If you are sick don’t go to the hospital” I said Ökay, that’...

March 03, 2020

today's stuff

I did not go back to bed earlier.... the storm had me messed up most of the day and when the physical issues calmed the emotional looming happened. People from afar checking in on me. Checking in...

Past: Two of Pentacles A young man in the act of dancing has a pentacle in either hand, and they are joined by an endless cord which is like the number eight reversed. Divinatory meaning: It is r...

March 02, 2020

not enough got done

Eventually Rocky got up.... and he was almost immediately ready to go get food.... which in itself was strange. He said he’s told me for like 3 weeks that he wanted steak.... pfft it was like Wed...

March 02, 2020

I got stuff to do

I’m working on a few lists this morning… #1 the usual what I need to do today list.... #2 projects that need to get done (like hanging the hose holder thing on the side of the house where it’s us...

March 02, 2020

the beginning, again

It’s barely 5 and I’ve already been up for 3 hours. The absolute worst part is that today is technically the first day of a 25 day vacation… and I can’t even sleep till 4:30? sigh I’m up, whateve...

February 27, 2020

todays plans

We had pulled a bunch of stuff from the freezer to defrost in the fridge so I could cook it … after our stupid conversation about me eating better. So I had chicken for Chicken fried rice when Wi...

So, yesterday we went to breakfast at Wendy’s .... We had gotten meals with the Frosty-ccinos. He got a croissant with grilled chicken and bacon and I’d gotten an biscuit with a friend chicken an...

February 26, 2020

Quick stop by

Krystal had bought an 8 cube organizer.... I had two of them. She took it home and tried to put it together right away, only to discover a few pieces were broken. So I popped the other box open a...

Yesterday morning before going out with Krystal.... before shop vac guy messaged.... I noticed a fatal flaw in the above the stove microwave I was excited about…someone had attempted to install i...

Maybe I should start putting that stuff in these entries. I had a guy ask about a shop vac this morning. I had a date with Krystal and I know we do have a habit of sitting and talking so when the...

February 25, 2020

update on last entry :)

So, today.... they guy had “something important come up” I honestly think he just has an inability to wake up earlier. Here, however, is an example of the stupidity I deal with honestly. I said Ï...

February 25, 2020


I know I said it in an entry last night but I get to have breakfast with Krystal this morning. I also have a meet at 6:30 and I have so much anxiety right now because from previous meets they may...

Book Description

I was away, I am back. It seems like my world is all kinds of changed since I had blogged regularly before so I shall start a new book.