
Second 1st

by JHkerriokey

Entries 994

Page 14 of 40

March 13, 2021

Yesterday and financials

I went to work yesterday and was caught by a co worker as I left the restroom before shift. Joyce asked about how Rocky was and if I was okay and we talked about the once a month shot I’m seeking...

Yesterday being home I was full of emotions and questions. Luckily I have Destiny to unload on. Being so far apart we don’t effect each others lives and honestly that can be a good thing. To the...

March 11, 2021

just a drop

I’m sorry, I’m always sorry for not keeping up. It’s been almost a month since the last entry. We’d had some bad weather and we’d been off that whole week. Well, between running out of parts and ...

February 18, 2021

snowed in

So, we’ve been off work all week. The weather is horrible here. I mean all around it’s not bad but people here aren’t used to this attack of white stuff lol. It’s been great BUT! Got a message la...

February 15, 2021

iced in

I haven’t been around. I have a bunch of stuff to read. I just wanted to update you guys on the twitch stuff and general happenings in my life. It’s Monday night. We were off today and we will b...

February 05, 2021

todays plans

Yesterday they still hadn’t gotten the parts they need at work. We went home about 1:30ish. I spent the afternoon logging 5 items for pallet stuff. This morning I did 5 more and have set up for m...

Date with Krystal went well. First unboxing stream went okay. There were some NSFW items. Mostly 3 different cock rings kept showing up and a vibrator. They are not inherently against the guideli...

February 03, 2021


5:45am. I’ve been up a couple hours now. Worked on the twitch Panels and I guess they are done for now. I like them, built them myself in a Panel maker. I’m pretty satisfied with them. William s...

Kevin, my supervisor, called and said we will be out tomorrow and back on Thursday. There will be some optional hours to work Friday but Rocky and I had already made plans and I’ve scheduled twit...

I’d forgotten about the parts at work running out. A bit unexpected to me but everyone else had been told Thursday that we won’t be working today. Rocky and I are taking the opportunity to check ...

February 01, 2021

How's that list coming?

Twitch improvements progress so far 1. Panels- haven’t touched it because possible name change. 2.Music- I figured out how to add what was playing on my computer at the moment. This means I can l...

The one at 5:30 went well but I didn’t have any new viewers. I made a point to make a list of things I wish to improve on: 1. Panels- there are the About me, rules for my chat, list of rewards fr...

January 31, 2021

2 cards and twitch update

It was a good day yesterday. I streamed for 3 hours. I really thought the bookmark would take about an hour and a half. I immediately wanted to do it again. So I scheduled one for 3pm. By the tim...

January 30, 2021

That was fun

So the bookmark took twice as long as I expected it to. I’m making some food and doing some tweaks. I’m going to stream again at 3. I’ve got a few things to work on till then. I’m going to do ano...

January 30, 2021

getting closer...

I’m a bit nervous. I hope all the prep works the way it should. There isn’t really a way to test things with out creating crap. I have noticed there are no diamond painters on in the we early hou...

January 29, 2021

Twitch ad

OK, I’ve decided to try something new and different. I’m going to start a twitch channel. Just chatting (which I had no idea was a thing) but I’ll be diamond painting as well. The items I diamond...

January 29, 2021

3 cards and the truth

I finished the stack of cards. Here’s some of them, I’ll post the last 4 later today. This morning I got up just before 3. I set up to do MTurk Justin’s and Rocky got up behind me?.....

As I felt better today.... I’m still not even 70% but I feel like I can do things.... I decided to start my own research on Twitch streaming. Mind you I have no real interest in playing games but...

January 28, 2021

Not so silver lined

It’s been a stressful week. Monday we went in and the plant manager made an announcement that our “business was expanding” … always make it sound good. Then there was a series of short sentences ...

January 24, 2021


After 2 days of “I’m going to have a coffee” I’m finally having one. Reminds me that I need to get the one Diamond painting framed and in my dinning room so I can actually enjoy it. (runs to gue...

I’m super sleepy and we had a shitty lunch.... I don’t even want to eat. I’m going to risk a migraine for the morning but I’m not hungry at all and it’s about 15 to 6.... I’ll be asleep by 6:30. ...

January 23, 2021


So we’d ordered Pizza.... from Jet’s we don’t usually get from there. Rocky suggested we try something different… We always order from Domino’s or Papa John’s .... I was all like “sure whatever” ...

January 23, 2021

Birthday card #2

Rocky got up so this will be the last one I accomplish today. We decided on pizza for lunch so he ordered it while I finished the second card. I’ve been working on it off and on this morning betw...

January 23, 2021

Birthday card #1

So I’m thinking like $3 so I really won’t be able to list them until I’ve done all 11.... I had 12 but one of the Birthday ones had a duplicate stuck to it so it’s trash :(. Once they are all don...

January 23, 2021

promised entry

It wasn’t long after we got to the hospital that he was checked in and they took him back. However, it was 1 1/2 hours after scheduled time for the procedure that they took him back. Took only 45...

Book Description

I was away, I am back. It seems like my world is all kinds of changed since I had blogged regularly before so I shall start a new book.