Entries 1,024
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The Bread Winner
Its 1am Fri. morning. I’m up talking to ChatGPT about names for a Baking business for Lyndsey and where to get free business cards. She sent a bunch of muffins to her children’s school and now p...
quick snap
Ended the week at 746.... the last delivery was to a place too close to home to feel like going back into town was worth it for $4.... Rocky agreed and we ran out to get groceries.... got a bunc...
rushed moment
Everything is going to be okay.... at least for the week. It’s Friday morning. All the stress caused a bad episode as expected.... I hadn’t eaten much (a smoothie and wrap from Tropical Smoothie...
I’m up at 2am worrying about the future. I copied and pasted the last entry into a message to my girls (Dest and Lyndsey) along with a note that it’s from an entry here and that I was not going ...
Maybe I'm losing it... right here, in this moment
From what I can tell Rocky’s trip went okay. He came back with some money left over and I put it back towards paying bills. I’ve made some mistakes in the last 24 hours.... Jake is helping me ...
it's all still work
Things are well as far as I can tell. Rocky’s adopted dad’s memorial ceremony was Yesterday. Apparently, Rocky’s mom is going to have a fight about what was put on the death cert. but honestly, ...
time to adult...
Sammy is feeling the pressure out there in San Diego. He is teaching a class now. How insane! I mean in that I’m very proud and excited for him. I can’t wait to see him at graduation! All goes w...
What? nothing? lmao
Nothing new or particularly interesting has happened.... and even as I say that, both are a lie. Domi asked me for money..... I explained to her that we are a month and a half behind on the hous...
back to life
Picked Destiny up yesterday. They set her on some new/more/better drugs and sent her home. She seemed good on the way home… mostly watching /listening to jokes on FB reels. It’s back to the no...
I guess that'll do it
I had opted out of visitation yesterday.... glad I did… apparently there is a virus on the floor and visitations are canceled till Saturday. Jake told me she was going to call.... the second a...
There were helpful comments and there were not so helpful comments.... all in all I’m still angry. Jake has been trying to help..... but with his own issues it’s not so much of a help. This mo...
Please read... serious help needed
By the end of the day nothing that has happened is important to the grand scheme of my life and I have that horrible habit of not posting.... At the current moment, I’m not sure how I could not...
Drama starts where logic ends -Ram Charan
I see I’ve failed at updating again.... and like every year I will try again to post more often.... Lets see…I try to remember the last things I talked about but I always end up actually consult...
next step in my life
I ended up going home early today.... I only did like $33 before I called it a day .... after an hour of waiting .... I then spent some of the day looking at WFH jobs and sending resumes to a fe...
bomb dropped
I feel a bit empty this morning.... like the battery is fine but there is no gas… I’m sure it will pass… I have to keep in mind it’s all for the best. Even Jake’s best.... I’m not IT for him and...
Jake and bake
It’s been a min. I swear I tried. I even had a partial entry that I just deleted from my screen. This entry shall not be shared with other topics.... at least not until I get this out. I broke...
abnormal day
Today is turning out fairly well. I usually come here and end up complaining about things .... and mostly things I got myself into.... today is not that day.... Today I woke up feeling like I’d...
One more day down
This morning I’d written about the words last night.... and today’s proposed schedule.... the one he sent me.... which changed dramatically by the time he got moving. Cancelled breakfast with th...
Jake told me that the ladies who protested have managed to cause an emergency hearing with the school board about bullying and change in the current policy. I’m considering the case closed and w...
I went to the school that was supposed to be where we met up at 7.... no one there. I waited 15 mins and nothing happened so I checked out FB and no new comments on the post so I said “Where ya’...
road block in my week
Sunday night I didn’t sleep. Not like I rolled around in bed and I don’t recall sleeping but like I couldn’t sleep and I moved to the chair in the living room and was just playing games most of ...
I don't ask for much
Jake was able to find a car the first time we went out. It’s a red, 2015, Dodge Dart.... black leather interior. Everything seemed to work fine and I walked him through what I would do.... so fa...
moment passed
Please see the previous entry before you read this one. Jake gave me $80 of $150 that would have been earned that he said he’d pay me to take the time off this week. So $70 is being negated by...
opinion request
Before I look at any comments or anything.... I somehow lost my nose piercing the night before last.... it’s fine though… Lyndsey had a piercing one and we fixed it last night. Dest had some jew...
birthday ring the universe gave me
So this story about the ring..... it’s 2 emerald hearts and it’s beautiful. As soon as I find my jewelry cleaning solution I’ll clean it up and take a picture for ya’ll but for now this story st...
Book Description
I was away, I am back. It seems like my world is all kinds of changed since I had blogged regularly before so I shall start a new book.