The Richness of Each Day, December 2016
by ODSago
Entries 26
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December 30, 2016
The last day of December and I am satisfied with my life in ways that deepened this month. So grateful for this exercise in focus. It’s been the best December since Kermit died. A core of sadn...
December 29, 2016
The richest moment of this day was in realizing that when I took my car in for repair/30,000 mile check up, it only required a 13 minute drive from my new home, not an hour or more as it did from...
December 28, 2016
Wondering what experience will be the best today, writing here as I am, before noon, and realizing that my sense of wanting to know what is ahead is valuable, because it sets the scene within to ...
December 27, 2016
The richness in this day and all, I’d imagine, after the 25th, is that I know I did better on the passage of Kermit’s birthday, would have been his 78th. And, in the passage of the month I’d dre...
December 25th, 2016
The day was perfect. How rich each part of it was, the day spent alone and getting ready for the guests. The several visits from a big hawk out in the garden. A Christmas Hawk. Then the guest...
December 24, 2016
I am sitting in my chair in the sunroom, after watching It’s a Wonderful World, and I can’t count the times I have seen it. Could any other actor than Jimmy Stuart moved our hearts so totally, a...
December 23, 2016
As I review my day, the richness in it was the visit by a monarch butterfly when I was in the garden soaking up sun to enrich my Vitamin D intake.
December 22, 2016
I had a moment that was rich and uniquely the moment of the day, but I have forgotten it. Maybe the moment to record is the one in which I found myself crying into my pillow at 4 a.m. It is a ...
December 21, 2016
The richness in this day only cost about $8. Soft, warm slippers from the local remaindered items store. When I tried them on for exact size in the store, I actually sighed. I was gloriously h...
December 20, 2016
Today’s richness may seem shallow to others, but to me, it was a miracle. It occurred as I was getting a wonderful short bob, cut by a woman who listened to my observations and took care of e...
December 19, 2016
I am trying hard to find the absolute rich experience in this day of shopping all around town. I think it was the moment I saw that the yard was wet and that about a 1/2 inch of rain fell last n...
December 18, 2016
The part of today that felt rich to me was when I walking outside early and heard mourning doves calling. When I lived in this city before that was the prevalent bird call, and I love the softne...
December 17, 2016
The richest experience of this day was to look at the photo album Kermit put together from pictures of his growing up years, collected by his Aunt and parents. He did this when he had stage 4 ca...
December 16, 2016
The richness in this day was seeing the panels hanging beautifully in the dining area and four more roman shades in the kitchen. It was a quiet richness of observation and satisfaction. Not one...
December 15, 2016
Having help to hang the paintings we have collected throughout the years and seeing most of them, especially the ones I could not hang by myself, now, on the walls in this perfectly new setting p...
December 13, 2016
The richness of my day has to have been the laughter at myself that occurred when I was driving the car and internally sort of musically or at least with some rhythm skimming though a list of the...
December 12, 2016
Iron Mountain is one of the highest points of peninsular Florida, estimated to be 295 feet (90 m) above sea level: Standing there, where I could see from the cliff’s edge for 35 miles, contribute...
December 11, 2016
Listening to a beautiful soprano sing Oh Holy Night as I sat with other citizens of my little city, listening to the Christmas presentation by the local volunteer symphony: this my richness in t...
December 10, 2016
The richness in this day was when I walked the children’s bike trail that runs behind my house, and saw the city’s water processing plant office and the back of a church with a huge yard where a ...
December 9, 2016
The Richness of this day – Standing in front of a taller, wider mirror than that one that had hung there before in what is a narrow space and realizing how the new mirror, its size and its ligh...
December 8, 2016
Two entries today! I just realized, and this is the most fully appreciate richness in this day, that at 75 I can enter each stage of life but one as I watch a film or read a novel because I have ...
December 7, 2016
I read this in a biography of Max Perkins…Thomas Wolfe was quoted having written that when a man (a person, I’d say) travels he needs certain things and among them is “a place for the heart to re...
December 6, 1016
After more than a6 weeks of drought, rain fell today, slowly and with starts and stops. I walked around in a drizzle in my side garden this afternoon as if I were a general inspecting my troops....
December 5, 2016
Finding time to empty several boxes that yielded my cookbooks that had been missing since I moved, then taking time to find a set of never before attempted recipes for the rest of the month.
December 4
The spectacular little quarter moon in the dark sky, unmasked by clouds and accompanied by two bright stars in different positions near the quarter moon - seen from my private back yard.
Book Description
December is the hardest month for me, because my late husband’s birthday was Christmas Day and so much of our celebrations in December centered on him. I read the words, the richness of each day, in a novel and took it up for my use. I am looking each day in December to find the riches of that day, despite my loss, despite his loss of his life.