
Entries 23

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August 15, 2018

Douse the Luminosity

There are leaves playing with debris out in the street (and it’s home to me). Tears fill my head to the point of sea sickness, causing me to stagger along like a drunken pirate. I’m on a road to...

Culled from a quagmire and placed in a grave, this is the game I have incessantly played. A dreadful empiricism I’m reluctantly forced to engage, by the marionette master with a fistful of twine...

July 07, 2018

A Rendezvous with Death

I have finally written something in 2018!!! I owe a script to someone (not a prescription) so hopefully I can get that done! Through the pain, hospitalizations, stress, depression and medications...

Ok, I’m starting things off with an 80’s Quiet Riot reference, I couldn’t resist! Mental Health (particularly depression) is a topic I’m somewhat of an expert on having suffered with major depres...

December 30, 2017

Wrested From Quintessence

I’m seeing all these posts recently - surveys about 2017, the year summed up etc… That’s not really my style and there’s no singular word to describe the level of Hell I have endured this year w...

October 13, 2017

Jillion Obsidian Mire

Amaranthine and pristine Unwavering black - pools under my feet With ever evasive tenderness It liquefies my flesh – eroding away what the years have made Heaven has yet to show its face in the p...

September 22, 2017

Carpe Diadem

Sitting, legs folded in trigonometric degrees in torn dungarees; my knees free and facing nimbus skies. My mind entombed in bone, echoing loud; synapses firing under electric clouds. Not quite t...

August 27, 2017

Born With a Hollow Heart

I see my reflection in the water… and it’s always windy when I look. Distorted is the creature that glares back at me. I have given away all my best virtues and cut open my heart so everyone ...

August 08, 2017

Necrotic Heart

Veins collapse with each inhale - Stuttered breaths… a wordless death Contort me in right angles. My flesh is an eggshell cracking under the asphyxiating weight of unmovable depression. Mig...

Like a horses mane strung into bows and electrified by light I am drowning in the silences of acoustically fevered moans. Rain does not wash away the scabs I have created Each passing torrent jus...

July 23, 2017

Lady in Waiting

Dead and buried long before the winter stays, I beg, I pray; please… please hasten and do not hesitate. Don’t leave regret upon my grave. You look through sorrowful eyes, toward mine who see un...

June 27, 2017

Pang and Labyrinth

Face down, crying in a puddle Salting the earth with unfolding history. Insects cling to the stringy tassels of disheveled hair Lifeless as I am. Mud in my ears, lightning in the sky Drowning… th...

White-knuckled and pristine, she meanders between lamp-post shadows like ectoplasm in the wake of phantasma Translucently pale Stained in rusty gore I can not lament the death of the Devil’s whor...

Tear open my skin and let the demons wherein feed on something other than a memory. Sparse and splintered and chilled by ghosts; numbed yet aware, my consciousness is all I have left. Wayfaring ...

The child is alone; home; without walls. The ground is wet with snow cover, slush & icy mud; His toes frozen beyond his senses. Eyes dry and cracked from the frozen film of earlier tears, ...

Blood-stained and saturated… I lie awake; immortal betwixt ethereal and authentic reverie. Here… there… then… now… of what is there left to contemplate? In being, laze suffering. A heart is a ...

I’m seeing all these posts recently - surveys about 2017, the year summed up etc… That’s not really my style and there’s no singular word to describe the level of Hell I have endured this year w...

My poetry is all original, however; I wanted to share this. This is actually a song, but the song is horrible! It absolutely ruins the beauty of the lyrics, I will give credit, but strongly reco...

June 05, 2017

Lost in the Darkness

Today is a measure of yesterday’s emptiness - A cavernous tomb of melancholic ruin Isolated and surrounded by death My heart swims amidst a river of violins - Their solemn tome sets me adr...

June 02, 2017


The perception is a deception in the transference from life to the abyss. The fool I was who fell and bled, hiding from a hug that I was hoping to get. Thus my carrion reflection enshadows me li...

Corpse by day, I’m full of unnatural life. A parasite in sunlight I exist in shadow and entrenched in night. Like an inverted sphere, a negative rainbow or the deafening resonance of embittered s...

Claws rake my back as if to climb my spine like a twisting poisonous vine. Enraptured in such paroxysmic tenacity it grows like a parasite feeding off the shortness of breath. Anxiety, it stings ...

To someone I knew… a long time ago To someone I loved… before love was known To someone who grew… through life’s highs and lows To someone whose destiny… is yet unknown To someone who knows… the...

Book Description

Hello Prosebox!

I write a plethora of things. I work in the Film Industry as a Writer & Director primarily (as well as photography work) though I also write poetry & random quotations (similar to Jack Handey’s “Deep Thoughts” as featured on SNL). I may post them as a separate book. I may post a few on various ventures actually, we shall see. :)


This is interesting. Do I design poems in funny or unique shapes? No. Do I follow guidelines of any kind? No. Do I use any specific rhyming pattern? No. Am I really a poet? I have often said “No”.

Though I’ve learned over the years that that is not necessarily true.

I’ve always been a writer, but I made no attempts at poetry or anything similar until I was almost 19 years old. In college, I took an extracurricular course in poetry. A group of 20 or so students and an English Professor met twice a week in the late afternoon.

On my first day with this group, I heard a half dozen or so read their respective poems as the Professor critiqued, and he was very kind I thought, never a harsh word. Then he asked me to read two of mine. So I did, and when I was finished he said, and I quote: “Class, this is a perfect example of how not to write poetry”. Perhaps I had an over-inflated ego because my whole life I’ve been a straight A student in English and always heard people tell me they loved my writing, but that really crushed me.

He went on to (pardon my French) tear me a new asshole. I didn’t know how to feel. I was angry, hurt, and humiliated. I wanted to quit, and I did.

I wrote nothing for years, until I befriended a local band which got my creative juices flowing again. I started writing songs, but everyone told me they sounded like poems.

A short while later, a friend talked me into joining an online diary site. I despise writing a journal, hey, it’s not for everyone, but he said that he just writes nonsense entries (which I’ll get into later under “randoms”) and that he doesn’t use it as a diary. I joined; a few months later I posted my first poem, but I kept them far and few between, the comments I received kept me interested.

I started submitting ‘poems’ to various contests, and I won a few, but I couldn’t submit what I really wanted to due to the line limitations on many of them.

The next thing I know, I join a poetry website designed largely around critiquing from other authors / poets, both published and not. I was intimidated to be perfectly honest, but my writing was well received. By this time, my ‘poetry’ had evolved into something undefinable. It wasn’t really prose nor a free write style, and I often went out of my way to break conventional format which in time became as natural as breathing. I didn’t want my poetry confined to rules; I just wrote. However it came out, it came out, and when it was done, I just left it for other people to classify. Funny things is… no one could, and I was just fine with that.

Some of my earlier pieces are more pedestrian and cliche’ style-wise, but as with anyone elses writing it has evolved over time. The only thing that most everyone agreed upon was that my writing is poetry. To come full circle; what is poetry? I define poetry as such: Anything you say from your heart can be poetic and if something is poetic, it is under the umbrella of poetry. There are literally dozens upon dozens of variations of poetry, one not more poetic than another. Not all poetry is emotional, though I prefer it to be. I don’t write my poetry for you to understand them. I never explain them to anyone. My poetry is interpretive. All I want out of my readers is that you feel my words, their heaviness, their depth. I want to connect on an emotional level. If you tell me your interpretation of a piece and it’s the exact opposite of what I was thinking when I wrote it, I think that’s awesome. You won’t know that it’s the opposite because I won’t tell you, but it still meant something to you, and that’s what matters. We are two different people with different pasts and on different paths. We might not share experiences, but we do share the emotions of those experiences. We all share those emotions at one point or another.

Poetry does not have to be confined to the written word. If looking up at the sky wasn’t poetic, there would be no poems about clouds. Poetry is all around us and within us; finding familiarity in another persons words… that in itself is poetry.

Vague & descriptive (2 words not commonly placed together is the best way to describe my work) to be warned… {expect darkness}. As the great T.S. Eliot once wrote: “Genuine poetry can communicate before it is understood.” and I couldn’t agree more.
