
Entries 15

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March 28, 2014

To Do Today - Done Today

Pay property taxes paid and Jim's too. Nice conversation with an old old co-worker in the court house entry Work on fair book on one of the library's computers did it and talked to our local c...

Three in the am. Well not exactly up, but awake. Trying to decide whether to: write my seven fifty take a bath work on the Agri News sudoku watch a Paladin on youtube - they're all there - o...

February 01, 2014

Chef salad specs....

good lettuce - can live with iceberg if the other stuff is good ham cheese tomatoes onions green peppers mushrooms green olives black olives small tub of italian dressing no crackers no croutons...

January 29, 2014


Bouncy. Hung on till the bitter end. Fast, careless and did not communicate well. God these tell more about me than you'd think, huh?

January 18, 2014

...of lists

Things I've lost interesting in: daily prayer at end of 750 words categories in OD entries (and at 750 words briefly) carrying a plastic bag to put picked up junk in daily walking at breaks an...

December 30, 2013

Spelling words...

apocryphal cinnamon connoisseur effeminate gigolo gymnast Khrushchev languish license millennial misogynist Muhammad Ali obfuscation predecessor separate succumb Tutankhanum to be continued...

... from Huffington Post ... who won't let me post links. bananas beans brown rice cabbage eggs oats potatoes tuna from a can. (I goofed up. I meant good cheap foods/not good cheap from. ...

November 17, 2013

Things to do when not working:

Reinstate loop - have to leave Gracie at home. Garden. Watch cattle. Do the Gazette puzzles. Read paper? In theory, clean. Read, organize books. Paint, both ways. Work on my stomach. Help Jim f...

November 11, 2013

What not to talk about...

I bummed this from Ira Glass's This American Life. It's a list of topics too boring to talk about. Your dreams. How you slept. What you eat. You period. Your health. Routes - how you got here....

October 31, 2013


Write every day - 750 words & OD. (January) Write in Stripey notebook. (February) Give up soda and vending machines. (March) Give up wheat. (April) Give up sugar. (May) Walk 10,000 step...

plant my bulbs - alas and alack - I will HAVE to do it soon. I'm hoping for warmer weather and there might be some but there is no guarantee. I am not the owner of a bulb planter - a hand tool...

October 13, 2013

I Used to LIke...

Foods - Pumpkin pie with whipped cream. Cheesecake Ice cream Cappuccino Diet Pepsi.- might not be considered a food - but what the heck.

Top of half a Gus & Tony's house pizza. Almonds Apples - really good ones from Walmart - unidentified by variety, green tangy ones. Banana(s) - unsure of the number Sweet corn - four or so e...

September 03, 2013

Movies I watched on youtube

These are movies I've watched on youtube between midnight and 5 am (when I don't have download limits): Not As A Stranger - Robert Mitchum, Frank Sinatra and Lee Morrow in medical school togeth...

September 01, 2013

What makes me happy

43 items: Sunshine Weather in general Early mornings The sky Gracie Other dogs Fruit - grapes and cherries, plums and peaches, apples and bananas, grapefruit and melons Cold water...

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