
February 2016

by patrisha

Entries 42

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June 15, 2022


Thank you all for all the suggests you have offered! Now I am looking at the many things I will be thinking about! 🤔🤔😁

I haven’t written an entry today I have just realized! Not that I have to write one every day, but usually I have something to say! The latest update for my ex is that he has now been moved to a ...

Sunday at 8:40 and I am still in my pajamas. I LOVE being retired! I fell asleep about 11-ish and woke at 6 AM so a good seven hours which the usual time I sleep. I really don’t have any plans fo...

February 27, 2016

February 27, 2016 Gratitudes

I have stopped doing thankfulnesses regularly and so, on a day I am not feeling too good about myself, it turns out to be Thankfulness Day! I am thankful that I have lived as long as I have. Ther...

You remember the saga of why I don’t have a credit card right now, right? Well, I was looking for something to read on my Kindle this morning and right there in the middle of the list of books wa...

I woke up this morning feeling really great probably because I slept so well. I fell asleep just after the light by my bedroom door{ which is on a timer} shut itself off which means it was 11 PM....

I am still happy to see my little Smart car parked outside. Tomorrow I need to get some gas in the car and then go to Staples and see what is happening to my Great Big Pressure Cooking Book. Bu...

I am sitting here waiting for my little Smart car to come home! The guy I talked to yesterday said it will probably be this morning rather than this afternoon so I hope he knows what he is talkin...

February 24, 2016

February 24, 2016 I LOVE M-B

And MB is Mercedes-Benz! My little Smart car will be home tomorrow and the back is fixed and the State Inspection is done. All I have to pay is–are you ready for this?– $13.60 and that is for th...

February 24, 2016

February 24. 2016. Wow!

A guy just came to pick up my car to have the back deck fixed and has left me a HUGE Mercedes! Looks as if it will be fun to drive! Anyway, apparently I will get a call letting me know how long t...

You wanna guess what I found this morning? Yes, you are right, my missing debit card! One of the things I learned from living with Fred when he was so afraid of falling was not to leave shoes an...

The day before yesterday {I think–it might have been yesterday!} I bought groceries and paid for them with my debit card. I have been somewhat careless about putting my card back in the place I k...

February 22, 2016

February 22, 2016. It's a Day!

It is ridiculous how I feel I must write every day even though my life is so boring that I am boring myself! Total change of subject here. I have been reading my pressure cooker cookbooks because...

Here it is almost eleven o’clock and I am only just out of my pajamas and into day clothes! Again, I was woken by my phone singing its little “Time to get meds” music at eight AM even though I wa...

I finally got out today to get groceries. I walked out of my apartment door, took three steps and went back in again. I had forgotten not only my cane but my list and the bag-on-wheels I use to b...

February 20, 2016

February 20, 2016. Thoughts

I was in bed by 10 PM and was asleep before 11 PM last night. {I know this because there is a light right by the door in my bedroom which comes on at 6 PM and goes out at 11 PM and I didn’t see i...

I went to bed early last night which means my eyes opened at 4:30 this morning. Then I discovered I had no milk so although I can drink coffee without milk, I decided I didn’t want to. And I do n...

10:40 AM So I called the Smart car place and talked to the guy who sold the car to me. I explained what the was happening with the back of the car, His answer? “I have never heard of that happeni...

Good morning! As I may have mentioned before, Thursday is my favorite days since the apartment is clean and I don’t have to be social with anyone! There are some things I have to do today and th...

February 17, 2016

February 17, 2016. Thoughts

I was up at 6:30 and it is now an hour later. I have had breakfast–two soft-boiled eggs with toast and Marmite and coffee so I am ready for the day. Judy will be here today to clean up– well, mos...

So, I was full of good intentions about continuing to clean my desk up but I went into the bedroom to make my bed. Then I lay down on it and finally I went to sleep but only for an hour! So nothi...

I woke up this morning to heavy rain and high winds and that, of course, meant that the rain splashed from the roof of the building at the top of the hill. Since I live at the bottom of the hill,...

February 15, 2016

February 15, 2016. Plans

Jake just sent me information about his dad, my ex-husband. Apparently he is now not doing well. He has no appetite and won’t eat so he is going to be fed with a tube. Jake said he told Nick, Jak...

It is 24 degrees right now and the high is supposed to be 34 degrees. Yesterday the outdoor workers here put salt? and/or grit? on the paths. Not that I went out at all yesterday except to my mai...

Alas again, no Pizza Hut Pizza today either. I just got an email from Jake and the headache is still with him. As I told him, Pizza Hut is not going to run out of pizza and this gives us somethin...

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