
BookThree: Flight Log 2016

by Park Row Fallout

Entries 408

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June 07, 2016

Yeah Yuhp

Certainly one of those mornings where I wish I could call work and say that I’ll be there late. So freaking tired!

June 06, 2016

TWITTER: Obvious

I don’t like frequent criminals. That is an obvious thing. I just… I don’t. If you are going to break the law regularly (I don’t care if that means you drive 30 mph over the speed limit every ...

June 06, 2016


Oh Monday. You bitch. Anyone else feel like packing it in and going back to bed? After the weekend… especially after mowing on Sunday… my body is thoroughly unhappy with being out of bed. Ver...

June 06, 2016

It All Falls Down

This is absolutely ridiculous. Woke up this morning planning to mow the lawn (meaning, we’ll need to buy a mower). We’ll need to have a place to store it. We do have a garage, not connected to ...

June 04, 2016


I really wish we knew what box Wife packed the laptop power cord in. ::sigh:: Continued issues of not being 100% done with the move, I guess. Today… is a classic CK Saturday. I did 3 loads of la...

June 03, 2016

Negative Update

1) Wife called me from work… sobbing. Saying that she’s wasted her life. She is devastated about working at Wal Mart (still) and despises how extraordinarily isolated we are here. She hates our ...

June 02, 2016

Words, wOrds, woRds

(1) Wife and I finally got a new bed. Our first queen and our first Brand New mattress as opposed to second-hand. It is a wonderful bed and leaving it every morning seems morally objectionable. ...

June 01, 2016

Clock Time

I am so weird about… just… so many things. I have not been productive today. I am somewhat needed to let workers into the house today so that they can (please God) get closer to being finished i...

June 01, 2016

Thursday? No.

It is Wednesday. I need to stop drinking with my wife for a while. She has been weekend drinking since she got here. I totally understand that. First, she hates this area. Second, she has be...

May 31, 2016


I wish I was inspired to write a book. Or a play. Or a screenplay. When I first told my family that I wanted to be a lawyer, they were only worried about one aspect. I had long proved that I l...

May 31, 2016


For the first time in months, my Bookmarks Tab is empty. I’ve just read/caught up on a large number of Prosbox entries from people. Sorry if I didn’t note much. I don’t think my head is in the...

May 31, 2016

Statistical Concepts

Okay… I’m shyte at math and don’t know if I did this properly. But… even with Wife here, this place feels horribly lonely and isolated. Omaha (City): 130.6 square miles. Population: 409,000 ...

May 31, 2016

Weekend Round Up

Things are mostly the same right now. Wife has been unpacking like mad; trying to figure out where she wants things. I’m trying to help, to assist, but I’m also trying to encourage her that she ...

May 29, 2016


Huh. So… y’know that long list of things that aren’t finished in the house? Things as small as no mailbox, no house number, cables that don’t go anywhere, no hot water, no air conditioning, no v...

May 27, 2016


Work… helping move furniture and unpack… and now so much pain in my back and legs that I can’t sleep. Not cool. WUBBA LUBBA DUB DUB

May 26, 2016

I Dream In Hentai

So… while I may not feel up to creativity of late… my brain is finding avenues. DREAM I was in a new town; much larger but still “Small Town” feel. For some reason, I was convinced that I could ...

May 25, 2016

TWITTER: A Thought

Reality is our excuse to allow the best parts of ourselves to be ignored. Honestly, not trying to sound profound or deep.... I was just thinking how it is so unfortunate that I haven’t really don...

May 25, 2016


Is it Friday yet?! WHAT a… just… months. Tired. Can’t find anything in the house. Trials all day. Wife is here! Yay to that. House is more fucked up than I expected. Boo. Apparently… some o...

May 24, 2016


Fingers crossed and prayers said for Wife as she moves tomorrow. And prayers that I will get the assistance I need tomorrow from Attorney Colleagues

(1) I was able to move stuff into the perm place… hooray (2) The perm place is nowhere near being finished. There’s no water hooked up; the appliances aren’t set up; the bathrooms aren’t operabl...

May 19, 2016

NSFW Language

Holy shot, are you fucking kidding me?! Last week, Landlord’s exact words were “Wednesday, 6 o’clock”. So, I have all of my belongings in my car or office and drove to the new place. He doesn’t...

May 15, 2016


Kind of a weird trip. No sex… which was terrible… most of the place packed… so not much to help with. Just a little cleaning and that was the whole trip. I will certainly be thrilled when this ...

May 11, 2016


Pappy passed away at 4, 4:30 this morning. Received a phone call from my mom at 7. No news on funeral or other services yet. In a way, I’m glad. He wouldn’t have wanted to hang on for months ...

May 11, 2016


Balls. Can’t sleep. Writing on phone. Must be up in 4 hours. Kind of can’t believe that it’s only Wednesday. Rargh.

May 09, 2016


Mostly a smattering of statements from my head throughout the day: Waking up in pain, desperate to go back to sleep, desperate not to go into work… it is all becoming routine. To the point whe...

Book Description

The adventures of 2016. Hoping for work, home, and healthy relationships.