

by Babe In Toyland

Entries 205

Page 8 of 9

John’s dad is in hospital. They’re not 100% certain what’s wrong at the moment, only that his kidneys aren’t functioning properly. Apparently he’d stopped eating and drinking, was “spaced out” an...

September 15, 2014

Work related stuff: edit

I’m continuing to do as much voluntary outside work as possible. Last week I went on a practical session, which will hopefully lead to more of the same kind of work. As a thank you, in return the...

September 11, 2014

Just a stupid rant...edit

Argh! That son of mine! I could throttle him! He lets his room get to disgusting levels. Yesterday his floor was covered in dirty clothes, dirty cups and dishes, empty food cans, all topped with...

September 06, 2014

Busy times!

The girls went back to school this week, Eleanor into juniors and Bel starting secondary school! They are both enjoying being back, just a bit emotional through tiredness and starting a new routi...

Hi. There’s only Eleanor and I in the house right now. John and Rob have gone to work and Bel is away in Wales, after being invited (very last minute!) to go along with Katie and co. It seemed to...

August 26, 2014


For the love of God, will folk from the USA stop saying a British accent? It bugs me no end! It’s like saying a North American accent when you mean Canadian! You probably mean English, but Britai...

August 21, 2014

Long time, no write.

Quite a lot has happened since I last wrote.My parent's dog had to be put to sleep a couple of weeks ago. My longer term readers will remember the Border collie, Meg. She was their baby, she went...

July 29, 2014

Resting bitch face

Bloody hell, I woke up in a stinker of a mood this morning. Like psycho, bitchy, nasty, horrid type of mood. I even woke several times in the night angry. That's new. I tried counting my blessing...

The kids have been off school a full week. It's been fairly hot too, I don't function well in the heat, only going out when absolutely necessary. I mean, a couple of BBQs and a picnic is differen...

July 22, 2014

More excitingness!

Today I went to the induction of the family event leader. It's a brand new venture, free and open to the public. The brief is that it's aimed at little ones aged 7 and under, with information for...

July 18, 2014

A title you say?

I still haven't started my spinning. I'm bad, I know. I need a drum carder to be able to do it large scale and they're just so expensive! So I have an idea to raise funds. I've done it before and...

July 13, 2014

One week

That's how long I've been out of work now. One week already! It's kind of flown in really. I know I need to hunker down and get started learning how to spin wool and all, but, you know,I decided ...

July 08, 2014

Lady of leisure Edit*

Edit* It appears that I have omitted to add a lot of my friends on here. It IS just an oversight, I don't get on here very much. If I haven't added you, please give me a friendly prod. If you've...

June 29, 2014

Nice things.

On Friday I went to Woolfest with my friend, Susan. Susan is a member of the Allerdale Red Squirrels group, she owns a garden centre and cafe and usually has loads of red squirrels running around...

June 17, 2014

Nice things. edit.

I've put on a lot of weight recently. I got complacent about my portion sizes, ate a shed load of crap and stopped going out walking because of work. As a consequence, none of my summer clothes f...

June 13, 2014

There's more!

Bit narked I'm not at Download this weekend. I mean, the line up is shit, I'm not bothered about the music, but Shellie got me a free ticket but I couldn't go because of work. :( Love the festiva...

June 09, 2014


Today I handed in my notice at work. There are a couple of reasons for this, and none of them are because I don't enjoy my job. First and foremost, Rob has got a job that will turn full time once...

I don't know why I bothered. What a complete waste of time. They were interviewing an internal candidate. Who is already doing the job. In that branch. I found out at the start of the interview f...

I've been without a computer monitor for about a month. While this is normally not such a bad thing, I really don't like doing long entries on here with my Kindle, and I'm yet to figure out how t...

April 25, 2014

Leibe ist für Alle Da.

This morning I nipped to the town where I used to work. I had one of my mad moments where I just decided that All The Clothes were getting on my nerves. I swear, if I had the money, I'd be done w...

March 20, 2014

I must be mad!

This Sunday I am doing the annual 32 mile sponsored walk with my dad, this year Rob is also doing it with us! We go through some of the most beautiful scenery in the Lake District, which goes to ...

John and I have just had an enjoyable afternoon with no kids. Rob has gone away for the weekend, doing some voluntary fell maintenance work. We haven't heard a peep from him, so I'm hoping that e...

February 28, 2014

Exciting times

...or not. This is what I've been on with. Working in Barnardos. A LOT! My poor boss is being stretched to her limit, working other branches, interviewing and trying to squeeze in holidays, hence...

February 26, 2014

Tattoo baby! Edited

So I got my second tattoo yesterday! I'd booked it months ago, helped by the voucher that Shellie got me for my birthday. The place I go to is bloody good, one of their artists is so amazing, he ...

You know, if there's one thing I hate, it's internet drama. I joined a group on Facebook last week, an 'adult' group shall we say. I wasn't really THAT active on there, truth be told, but it was ...

Book Description

I’m new here. I followed some people from Open Diary.