Entries 83
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thanksgiving with baker b and the cats
Well, just like last Thanksgiving, we’ve spent the day all by ourselves, us and the cats, just lounging around. Because.... it snowed. Yes, November is not over yet and we have already had three ...
late to the party, but how typical is that?
Ummm, yeah. Haven’t made an entry in like.. TWO MONTHS. And I thought, OH! I’ll use NaNoWrMo (or whatever it is) as a prod to start writing again! Because I miss it! And I want to write more! And...
"I'm not a helicopter parent, but......"
I can not tell you how many mommies and daddies call me this time of year, and start off the conversation by telling me they are not helicopter parents. "I'm really not a helicopter parent!!! ...
more Charleston Trip pictures at last
Yeah, that certainly took long enough. Instead of posting a big long entry and then running out of time and/or patience to post more than a few pictures, I'm just going to post pictures. And I sw...
oooooOOoooooo, Charleston......
Finally I'm making an appearance-- sadly it looks like I'm back to my old habits of ignoring PB, just like I ignored OD. Apparently I have nothing to write about....other than taking a trip to th...
seriously, kids. read your emails.
I know the university sends you a lot of emails. And reading emails is hard work. Apparently. But. If you applied to graduate in May, please don't just assume walking across the stage means that,...
the current currents
Still completely and totally dead at work. To ward off slipping into a coma from the boredom, and to bludgeon the crawling time, a "currents" entry sounds like just the thing. I'm much too bored...
Wicked Weekend, Part... THE LAST PART.
Seriously. THE LAST PART!!!! It took me longer to write this than the entire trip took. And it's mostly pictorial. But this is it; the last pictures. Time to move on to other things. Kim and I ...
Wicked Weekend Part 4; it better be the last
I can not believe how long this is taking me. My usual excuse is being so busy at work, which means A) no time for entries at work and B) no energy left for entries at home. So, C) this really ne...
wicked weekend in NY, part... 3?? (saturday)
Oh how I wish I could be concise and succinct and all those brief and non-wordy things that I am not. Also, while I'm wishing, I wish I would not drag entries out so. But obviously I will never c...
wicked weekend in NY, part 2 (Friday evening)
The first entry is one back, ages ago; in typical Edna fashion I'm dilly-dallying around about it. I got as far as our arrival and check-in to the lovely (well, visually lovely) Flat Iron Hotel. ...
wicked weekend
SO. Weekend before last I got to go to New York with my cousins. Some long-time Open Diary readers will remember Cousin E, who used to write over there. Cousin E is three years older than I am...
Edna?? Edna who??!?!?
Wow, I have been absent from PB for ages. As I predicted, work went from horrifically boring to overwhelmingly overwhelming in about a ten second time span a few weeks ago, and it did not let up...
Bored!! Bored bored bored bored!!!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6J_AUBT-PAo Fortunately for my office mates, I just play quietly online when I'm bored, instead of shooting holes in the walls. I'm trying to enjoy this lack of...
Current Continuation
Lately my job is either overwhelmingly busy or overwhelmingly boring-- there doesn't seem to be a middle ground. Today is an Overwhelmingly Boring day. It's suspiciously quiet, and I'm all caught...
currents to celebrate a shockingly quiet day
Current location My office. It is quiet. It is peaceful. It is weird. The phone is not ringing. I am not getting any emails. Did some catastrophic event occur, wiping out mankind, and nobody told...
greetings from BedlamVille
It's that time again. Graduation application time. In which we send out emails to approximately 394,032 students who have applied to graduate in May letting them know they are missing all manner ...
behold the fashionista, at war with her ensemble
I've gotten into a very bad habit of wearing the same clothes to work all the time. Mostly because I've managed to gain like ten pounds so NOTHING FITS, dammit, and I'm certainly not going to go ...
clearly our weather is suffering from bipolar disorder
Especially today. It was quite temperate when I left for work this morning -- like nearly 50! But it was pouring rain. POURING. At 10:30 I had to hike across campus for a meeting. The temperature...
What a pretty snow.... it needs to go away now.
We ended up with about 10 inches of snow, which wasn't nearly as much as a lot of people got. We also had just plain old snow, and not the nasty snow-rain-sleet-snow-ice-snow combo that was going...
okay, Winter Storm, we're waaaaiting.... OH! *Here* you are!
SO. I got up this morning when my alarm went off, all bleary and tired because I went to bed too late last night because OOOHHH!!! BLIZZARD COMING!!!! ....and there wasn't a flake of snow to be s...
hatch battening
Word on the street is we're getting a massive snowstorm tomorrow. Well, word not so much on the street as word on the interwebs. There is much speculating and debating and estimating going on, b...
stop it, Ray, you drama queen
Just checked the current forecast from our Not-A-Meteorologist Ray. His weather icon, which generally sports a little cartoon of the sun, or a cloud, or a cloud with a lightening bolt through it,...
well, I imagine Doc Watson is pleased.
Taking a break from the never-ending "senior audits", which is one of those things I'm always glad to start doing each semester because by now I've gotten bored and it's something different... th...
This really is a good opportunity to actually, oh, *write* again
I've gotten very slack about writing on OD in the past few years. Which honestly was something I kind of appreciated while saving my eighty gazillion entries to Evernote-- the last couple of year...