
Everyday Ramblings

by noko

Entries 1,310

Page 43 of 53

July 23, 2015

The Path In

This is the path back and the only way to get to the apartment house in the previous post. So I guess, unless they turned the building around (which appears to have been possible here) the cotta...

In birding circles here in the United States we sometimes ask each other what our “spark bird” was. That would be for me a juvenile hawk in my former neighborhood. Crows are numerous over there...

July 19, 2015

Shifting Perspective

I’ve come to the conclusion that this is my favorite house in the neighborhood, at least for right now. I am going to place my second poem in the cycle here. It is on the corner of the big busy ...

July 17, 2015

Feline Distraction

Sometimes working at home can be a bit challenging.

July 16, 2015

Kind of Like the Birds

First, I apologize for the glare. That is how it looks out there. In one of the conversations I had lately with neighbors, someone told me that there was a stanchion from the old railroad that s...

July 15, 2015

The Ladies’ Society

Clearly I need a timeline. Pretty soon my place is going to look like one of those pictures you see of a writer’s study, with the charts on the wall of timelines and maps and… well you get the p...

July 13, 2015

The Importance of Books

This is Tad’s house. He is the artist that wrote the electronic book on South Portland that I have been drawing a lot of material from on my “project”. While I was working on my poem this week ...

No rain yet. It looked like maybe we would get some yesterday but now they are saying more dry weather but at least the temperatures are moderate, not nauseatingly blast furnace hot like we had ...

Here is another house portrait. A quiet woman, in her fifties with a small dog that does not like cats lives here. My impression is that she is a widow. I don’t know why, she seems complete in a...

Yesterday evening after returning from Salem where I spent an easy relaxing day with Kes and Most Honorable I still needed some activity so even though it was hot (we are ready for a break now t...

This is a detail on the garage of a house around the corner. The house was built for one woman and then the house next door, which is almost identical, were occupied at one point by a woman in o...

Title: I took this yesterday out in the neighborhood. Like everywhere else we are having unusual weather, it has been dry hot and muggy and Sunday was a particularly miserable example of that ...

June 28, 2015

Racoons, Party of Five

Title: I like this picture of some almost hidden architectural detail of a porch in my neighborhood. It is interesting now after seven years of wandering around with some sort of device that co...

So this is the mimosa tree I mentioned recently. I found another smaller one across the property two lots down to make four altogether. I am most curious about these trees. This is the house Ear...

Not the castle house but detail of another one up there in the same area. As I (and my family) have been reading more about bottle diggers and how they find sites I realized that I could go to ...

June 21, 2015

Old Glass

This is some detail of the castle house from our walk on Thursday. I like to imagine being the kind of person that would live here. Confident and quirky, well off and creative, young and terrib...

Out and about this morning I took this with my phone that is why the sizing is a bit off. The best gift I could possibly imagine for my birthday was having not just the day off but this whole we...

June 18, 2015

The Mystery Shifts Focus

There is something about the mash up of green colors, textures and the way the petals of the flower are spread out, almost a sense of movement here that I like. This is over by the track, the pl...

This time last year we had just arrived here at the wonderful cabins on the Metolious River. The only time in three years I’ve been somewhere where we didn’t have reliable Internet access. I kno...

The house on the right is the house that burned in the back. I took this shot two years ago, and obviously it was more focused on the remarkable lilac gestalt with the house than the house itsel...

June 12, 2015

Carlo on the Case

Both literally and figuratively. Detective Carlo D. Cat is draped over my roomy work laptop bag in the hopes of identifying the person most likely to feed him next by thwarting my anticipated de...

This is close up detail on the house that was moved and restored to the place where the Psychedelic Supermarket was, I found out that the original store that became the local forward thinking ch...

June 08, 2015

The Merchants of Warm

“The people with whom you share the suffering of sudden growth are linked in magical ways, and these can be the people who really know you best.” — Jon Adams This is the iconic house in the litt...

This is the upper stairway for the VA Steps. All 145 of them. It is this grand stairway through a forested hill with this split into two circular stairs (one of which I show here that ends in… y...

June 05, 2015

Keeping it Simple

This house is on a steep hill and the fence is built at that angle. This is one view of a very nice yard sculpture. The folks that literally live above me can afford to buy art and they do. Ther...

Book Description

What flits through at a particular time.