
The Wonderland Years: 2015. Done.

by nothispenelope

Entries 647

Page 21 of 26

June 08, 2015

and new mentor

so on that note. the Pat one. my new mentor Clint [yes as in eastwood. I keep wanting to call him ‘tim’] reminds me of Pat. he loves music and he has this appreciation for life. it’s a bit incred...

June 08, 2015

music. and Pat.

so on that note. the one about my friends who’ve passed. I’ve been thinking about Pat recently. I think about him a lot. like daily in fact. ya know. it makes sense he went on karaoke night cause...

and on that note the ghost one. I talked to her yesterday. kar- my friend who’d passed almost 10 yrs. ago this coming oct. so yeah yesterday. I went outside a bank by the mall and talked to her. ...

yes more on this. ya know. usually i’m a pathological people pleaser. due to my past. i’m still trying to please them even though they’re not a part of my life anymore and haven’t been for a long...

i love pink Floyd. anyway more on this. so. as put. there’s someone in my head but it isn’t me. er well maybe it is me maybe the ‘someone else’ in the song lyric ‘ i feel like i’m living someone ...

I don’t. I don’t know who I am anymore. no it’s not that it’s. I don’t. connect to who I am or who everybody thinks I am. at these hrs. 11 p.m., midnight..............not. not nightly just. well ...

June 02, 2015

the calander thing

ok so here’s how I see things in my head. well firstoff I think in pictures. like I see the days of the wk. as a pill box type thing but it’s white. and it has ‘Mon’., ‘Tues.’, Wed.’ [you get the...

June 02, 2015

doing w/ my goals

how i’m doing w/ my goals. um ok. these were my goals. so my goals for this wk. were/are: 1: to brush my teeth at least once daily [which I’ve been doing. at 4 a.m. and not the way I should. but...

June 01, 2015


so in one of my previous recent [er well obviously my previous entries. you’re welcome] I mentioned alyssa but didn’t explain how we met or anything. well alyssa is a mall resident that I keep th...

June 01, 2015

other happenings

so, in othe happenings. well um. right after I woke up like 5 mins. after jenn and I did a room check. we finished in 30 mins. I guess she wanted to finish in an hr. she only went through 2 of my...

June 01, 2015

Kate & I news

yeah o like I’ve mentioned Kate’s my sister. we’ve been getting together. oh we saw Cinderella [the movie I mean not the show. the new movie] awhile back that was really good. and after that we w...

June 01, 2015

keep seeing my ex

not seeing as in dating. seeing as in literally seeing him. er well not him but guys who resemble him in some way. the other day when I was at. yeah the mall I think it was I saw someone who look...

June 01, 2015

Mark/Mandi news

I guess this should’ve gone w/ my last entry the . er no not last entry the one before that. um. the one about bar news. yeah so my friend Mark. he’s a cool guy. he moved to AZ before Halloween. ...

June 01, 2015

cherry creek news

so as I’ve mentioned i’m from cherry creek. it’s this. upscale neighborhood in Denver. which. is why I never mention it. yeah so like I also mentioned. they’re doing construction in front of the ...

May 31, 2015

synthetics/bar news

So. Synthetic is still one of my fave bands. actually my fave bartender and one of the managers of the bar is in the band. there least 3 other guys in the band. I’ve only offic...

not interrupting. well. I wouldn’t say i’m any like worse at not doing that. i’m not. really better at not doing it either. oh so I guess i’m not getting better at it. well then. well it’s someth...

May 31, 2015

i won't, back, down

I like that song. yes except that’s the problem. is I do. i give up too easily. like ok. if i’m trying to open a bottle like the small milk bottles that have the foil thing on them. I won’t use m...

May 31, 2015

Bob news

Bob, for those unaware/who’ve forgotten, is Pat’s uncle. and about month ago he had a stroke. Bob I mean. so he’s in rehab and according to her FB Muriel [his brother, Pa...

May 31, 2015

always busy

ya know. it seems like i’m always busy as of late. [well that’s cause i am]. mon. I have mentoring. tues./wed. I go to my mom’s. sun. I go to the corner store/gas station. every other tues. I h...

ya know. i’m always holding out hope that evan’ll come back. er I mean that he’ll come back to Denver. last summer was. good. when we got together that is. we’re so much better together than we e...

I um. I typed this entry up last night but then. something happened to it and it went away. g*damnit. well what can ya do? [don’t get me started on that lol]. yeah so anyway. yesterday. I...........

May 29, 2015

some 48 hr. thing

contains TMI. so last [er not last the one before that. yeah. well it was some time this month]. ok so. backing up. so some time this month I had. some 48 hr. thing. it was. 48 hrs. every 2 - 5 h...

I still haven’t heard from Jessica my former mentor. the last time I got at her was in like Jan. I think it was. i’m still seeing dr. dumke. i’m not seeing dr. davis. I stopped seeing her in like...

May 29, 2015

my goals for this wk.

my wk.s from Mon. - Mon. sometimes. well that’s the time period for the goal thingy, so. so my goals for this wk. were/are: 1: to brush my teeth at least once daily [which I’ve been doing. at 4 a...

er well not my life. I mean i’d still physically be here. I’ve always had that option ever since I came into services. do I want to be in services? well yes and no. i’m not willing to work w/ ce...

Book Description

things that happened in 2015