
The Wonderland Years: 2015. Done.

by nothispenelope

Entries 647

Page 14 of 26

i’m still fukin afraid. to talk to her [‘her’ being amber]. i mean there’s me. not wanting to talk to people cause i’m shy/not v. verbally expressive/w/e. and then there’s. i’m so damn afraid to....

i um wow. i’m just. in shock. i.........i’m so detached.

August 21, 2015

on the violation front.

ya know. in the past whenever i was violated in some way i never documented it. also it didn’t happen enough to be documented. and bc of that i didn’t feel it was bad enough to be documented. to ...

August 20, 2015

on the violation thing

again this is an awful feeling. i don’t know that i’m ok right now. bc of this. so basically as i might’ve mentioned. yesterday for a short period of time i felt like amber forced me into doing s...

this is an awful feeling. i wasn’t abused again but i was violated in terms of human rights. it was even confirmed yesterday by Alex. i. wow. i’ll write more about what happened w/ this later.

August 20, 2015


my ptsd is. becoming more evident. i’ve gone.......there............the flashback. that about 4 times lately. on the 25th it’ll be 4 yrs. since my 2nd SA. sex abuse.

August 20, 2015

evan and i

we’re still good. he’s ok w/ the decision i made about us. when i asked him he said ‘yes’. last night he was agitated and starting to spike out. i knew it was coming i just. was disappointed caus...

August 20, 2015

so, yesterday.

so yesterday when i came back to my house steph informed me that amber wanted me to sign a paper stating that i wanteed alex to be my advocate. which isn’t a problem. here’s the thing: amber want...

August 20, 2015

um. the meeting.

i’m on my period so i’m forgetful. actually it’s been fairly easy. other than i’m hot and nauseous. but anyway. yeah so today. i had a meeting w/ alex my advocacy lady. yesterday i’d printed up a...

August 19, 2015

so much happened

even just today. i’m not even all caught up on all the other stuff yet. ok so i have news. i. am not moving. unless either i want to or steph and jenn are so done w/ me that they don’t know what ...

August 18, 2015

so i'm 28 now

wow it feels weird putting that. turned yesterday. it [my birthday] was really nice. low key and mellow and i like that. whenever people ask if their friend feels older i never knew what that me...

August 15, 2015

it's been.

2.5 yrs. and 2 days since my best friend left us.

August 15, 2015


um................damnit. evan he. he’s far from perfect but he treats me like a queen. he’s sweet and funny and v. loving at times. he knows my past. he’s careful w/ me. so careful. in the physi...

evan he well he’s a little mentally off. he has depression and i don’t know what all else. you know how people like that are sometimes depicted in movies. yeah some people w/ mental disorders sca...

yeah so on um wed. i went to use the facilities at an eatery and. i came back and i said something to evan regarding the above er. yes the above quote/subject of this entry and he said that. righ...

August 15, 2015

it's almost my birthday

Mon. I’m 27 now, so..............i don’t want to say how old i’ll be cause i don’t like thinking about getting older. but regardless of how i feel about that i’m still really godamn lucky to be ...

omygod. evan is so incredibly sweet. so on tues. it was like we were a couple. wow. it was raining and we kissed [well i mean at my park] and there were more kisses. he was super physical. actual...

so my dad’s mom had surgery on.....Tues. she had something removed. it went well everything turned out ok. i was hoping it would. also she’s 90, so. [the only thing i know about surgery and age i...

August 13, 2015

erm. love bites.

warning adult content. haven’t done one of these in a long while. well. i must say [ala mel b on america’s got talent] i’ve felt damn sexy. one of the many things i’ve been feeling. ever since ye...

August 13, 2015

take my breath away

ya know. for the longest time i didn’t listen to that song. i didn’t even want to. cause it reminded me of my ex. and yes while i’m still in love w/ him. also now i actually want to ...

idk. like i’ve had feelings for him for awhile. and we’ve been more than friends for awhile. but now i’m starting to have more. er i mean now i’m starting to have more feelings for him. er i mean...

August 09, 2015

trust. and GPS.

um so this happened recently. so for awhile when i go out to the gas station i also go to the bar. and up untill thurs. no one had said anything about it. the times i have gotten something at the...

August 08, 2015

more news again

my dad’s mom’s having surgery on tues. she’s having something removed. she’s 90 so i hope it goes ok.

this might’ve come up a few times over the course of my time blogging since i’ve started. ya know i think. a part of me wanted to have that figure being that my dad i haven’t been close in. a lon...

for those who don’t know i don’t like my dad. i mean he’s a good guy but he just. wasn’t there and so now i won’t let him be. also i’m afraid of him. and. i just don’t want to bridge the gap betw...

Book Description

things that happened in 2015