
Things Previously Written

by invisible ink

Entries 9

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October 12, 2015

vampiress kiss

talons deep within my heart take all I love away shred what’s good of me apart then goes upon her way soulless wretch who lives love scorned then drown within her sorrow turns the love she touch...

October 08, 2015

end the beginning

the end of the beginning may just be the middle but the middle of what can make it a riddle the middle of something can be very wide so by definition should be taken is stride can the beginni...

October 07, 2015


mommy comes in late each night turning off my bedroom light know there’s someone beneath my bed mommy says it’s in my head closet door is open wide know there’s something bad inside wish I could ...

October 06, 2015


shadladora dark and sleek knock the men right off their feet onyx eyes and pitch black hair step in close if you dare witching lips and gypsy hex karmic draw and dripping sex black widow’s web i...

October 02, 2015


In honor of the month of Halloween: Diablavito comes to say, be my friend, I’ll make your day no more worries on which to dwell then I’ll drag you straight to hell Diablavito comes to say good t...

August 10, 2015

lonely place

lonely sky lonely night lonely stars have lost their light lonely girl lonely boy nothing but each others toy lonely street lonely town crowded walks, no one around lonely heart lonely soul ...

June 26, 2015

tell me (2013)

tell me what to think and do and how to spend my day tell me how to wear my clothes and how to kneel and pray tell me that you think you know plenty more than me on how to work and how to play an...

February 19, 2015

Gerty ..... chapter 19....

Just a taste right smack dab in the middle of a fairly long story I have been fabricating on the web.. Let me introduce you to me dear friend Gerty.... Melvin worried how much longer his legs cou...

The Lady Noreyl (I) In ancient of times in worlds far away there lived a King and a Queen a fabulous place of peace and fine grace where goodness was all that was seen The Royals were loved by al...

Book Description

Over the years I have stories and tales that have been become either fairly tales or novella’s. I believe only one person here has been exposed to these writings but here they will be posted for a taste of the past......