Fish On!
by Kimber
Entries 17
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Fifteen minutes of shame
A few weeks ago I noticed that a piece I wrote back in July had become the most-read post on a blog I have elsewhere. Why this post in particular, I wondered. Well, I finally figured it out. An...
The Black Bars of Doom
A terrible argument just occurred at Casa Kimber. It went something like this: Me: Oooh, River Monsters is back on TV next Sunday! A two-hour season premiere! Oooh, and a live after-show! Let'...
Roses are red, tangerines are orange...
...And this Valentine poem is screwed, Because nothing rhymes with orange. A Valentine for Jeremy Wade: And, we mustn't neglect Jeremy's hot shirtless competition: And for you, De...
What the hell, Animal Planet?
Dear Animal Planet, Thank you for totally wrecking my Wednesday night River Monsters Unhooked viewing experience. There I was, trying to learn something about the rare and elusive Glyphis...
Just when you least expect it ...
... Putin strikes again! Drowning ... ... in the Sea of Love! (Confused? Wonder why I'm posting horrid Vlad Putin photos? See my Sept. 10 entry, "You won't be happy until some...
On the Catwalk
Your Daily Putin: "... too sexy for my shirt, so sexy it hurts ..."
Whatever floats your boat
A friend of mine has expressed some concern about one of my more outré fantasies. How, she asks, do I propose to do all that without capsizing the canoe and getting Jeremy Wade and myself eaten b...
Well, this is rather disturbing
Maybe it's just me. But this ... ... provokes a series of mental associations that leads to this ... Spasiba, Mr. Putin, spasiba.
Friendship is Magic
KGB: Komitet gosudarstvennoy bezopasnosti BRONIES! "I shall call you 'Rainbow Dash'!"
In light of recent international events ...
Let me be clear: I have no political motives whatsoever regarding my "Putin a Day" campaign. In fact, I make it a policy to never even mention politics in the blogosphere. Because, you know, I mi...
Believe me, this hurts me as much as it hurts you
Your Daily Putin: "Women want me. Fish fear me."
Just in case you thought I was bluffing
"The Catch of the Day? Me."
You won't be happy until somebody puts an eye out, will you?
I was innocently drinking from the Internet watering hole of political news, when this manly image leaped out at me like a lion pouncing on an unsuspecting gazelle and seared itself onto my retin...
There's still time to salvage my Sunday, you know
I woke up this morning feeling absolutely certain that something delightful would happen today. Well. Optimistic I might be, but precognitive I'm not. The disaster in the kitchen was probably in...
Sometimes I astonish even myself
I was just sitting around, doing nothing in particular and letting my mind wander where it would. You know, basically my default state of existence. And then it came to me. Best. Idea. Ever. Se...
How about "Just Naked"?
A couple of days ago I watched a few minutes of a show that ended up on my DVR somehow -- "Naked and Afraid," have you heard of it or seen it? It's not too terrible of a concept, basically "Survi...
Jeremy vs Jeremy
I just found out that all this time Randy thought I had a mad crush on Ron Jeremy, instead of Jeremy Wade. I'm rendered uncharacteristically speechless. Now, I ask you: VS ...
Book Description
Lascivious Jeremy Wade entries that I probably ought to be ashamed of.
*tries hard to look contrite*
*fails miserably*