Book Two: The Fifteenth Year of the Third Millennium of the Common Era
by Park Row Fallout
Entries 308
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Twitter: Speak
I have fallen wicked far behind in reading, so a heads up if you start getting notes from posts from way back. Been applying to jobs… whoop di doo… and I swear the most overused B.S. is to combi...
Aside: Sometimes I wonder… there have been over 200 days in the year so far… I’m on entry #129 of this specific type of titling. Granted, I haven’t written every day as I would have intended… bu...
Twitter: Honestly Seeking Advice
I need advice, so I’m crowd sourcing......... Clearly, I need and want a job. Desperately. I also want to move back “home” meaning… within fifty miles of either MY parents or WIFE’s parents. B...
Oh Frelling balls. So… MOnday. Couldn’t sleep. There I am, laying in bed… my left leg is KILLING ME with pain. The hip flexor, the thigh, the calf… it was one of those pains where I consider h...
Bow Chicka Bow Wow and Wuba Luba Dub Dub to you all! Holy cow, I woke up at 5 am this morning because I was so worried about my wife’s schedule. Of course, I went back to sleep because if I actu...
Interesting. When my wife came home, I asked her how her day was. It was okay. She didn’t have much to say. Several silent moments later, I told her that my day was pretty bad. Like… it was a...
Today, I received an e-mail from my Law School saying that they had heard of a job I’d be interested in. I raced to check it out and yeah the title and location looked perfect! Des Moines City ...
Sarcastic Huzzah. I’m back from all of my travels to discover that the apartment has a bug problem. Wife has little home-made bug traps everywhere but informed me that Fruit Flies and Cockroach...
Travel Notes: Part 2
14 Days of Trips, Vacations, What have you… And with that, the travels come to a close! Managed to drive a full 1809.7 miles… definitely a bit tired! What follows are notes I took while on the ...
Travel Notes Part 1
14 Days of Trips, Vacations, What have you… And with that, the travels come to a close! Managed to drive a full 1,807.7 miles… definitely a bit tired! What follows are notes I took while on the ...
Twitter: Smattering of Words
Written on Tablet (still traveling) I am such a whore for fashion. Saw a brunette woman wearing a black and white horizontal striped dress that ended at her knees… she was wearing bright red Hig...
Bump in the Road
Umm CRAP!....? My interview that was scheduled for tomorrow? I am in Des Moines having dinner with my family for my mom’s 62nd birthday and my phone rings. The attorney that is to interview me...
Once More
Thus begins my driving tour. Wedding in Chicago on Saturday (7/18); Wisconsin Dells on Sunday (7/19); back to Omaha on Thursday (7/23); 12 hour work day on Friday (7/24); (hopefully) Good Luck ...
Blah. I’m in such a weird funk right now. Just… blah feeling. I’m at work right now for a quick 3 hours, then I have to pack for a whirlwind week. Tomorrow night, Wife and I leave to spend th...
Back to a more “normal” entry this time around. I am still reading through back logs. :) It is funny… in order to accommodate this, I am often found curled up on the couch with the tablet held a...
(1) Still marching through back entries. I love all of you, truly. Like… that isn’t More like… maybe… and I love catching up with all of you. It may take me a few days, but it has been nice...
Wife fixed my Desktop Mouse and was able to temporarily put my laptop hard drive in a different machine. Currently still using a tablet but will be catching up reading and get back to writing an...
ANother Day of Limited Computer
So, still working on the sodding computer issues. Got a call this morning… Dallas County wants me to come in for a 2nd interview! Hooray! 2nd Interview preferred time, for them, is in the middle ...
Working on it?
Notes I’ve left myself to put up here as I do PB on Phone and Tablet: (1) After a whirlwind of activity at the family reunion… I forgot how dull and frustrating real life was. Friggin’ stupid. (...
Cautiously optimistic about the job interview. Discovered of 30+ applicants, only 7 interviewed. Next step is an interview with Primary Attorney. Fingers crossed. Laptop totally dead. Must disco...
Weak Beginnings
1- I am trying this on a dying tablet. My laptop is super dead and the power port is VERY broken. It would upset me to need to replace my laptop for such a small (physically) issue. 2- So… remem...
Vacaacacaa Final
(1) Long drive home. We’re here safe and sound. (2) My laptop is super broken. Can not get it to charge. Could be an issue. (3) Since we started packing today, through the drive, during unpack...
Vacacaca Part 3
So… clearly, once I get started, I just can’t stop. Time+Writing=LOADS of writing July 4: Independence Day Day started as pretty much every day this week. Niece running around the cabin; wakin...
Vacacaca Part 2
July 2: Wedding Anniversary Day Woke up around 7 am to Niece running around the cabin. Rolled over to go back to sleep. Woke up at 9-ish. Kid was still running around and wanted to watch Doozer...
Vacacaca Part 1
Part One of Vacation Posting. Haven’t had time to keep up with reading as I had wanted. WILL catch up sometime! Monday, Day 1 Woke up at 6 am..... then went back to sleep a few hours later, lol....
Book Description
The adventures that take place in the year 2015 A.D. or for the scientifically inclined 2015 C.E.
My goals, set at the ending days of 2014, are as follows:
(1) I must pass the bar exam. On the chance that I do not pass in February; I will dedicate my entire existence to passing in July. After that attempt, I will attempt no longer.
(2) I must resolve this three year wedding photography issue. If we cannot receive the product we paid for, then a civil litigation may be necessary. We will receive our product, our payments, or our photographs… and if the civil remedies are too limited, I may file criminal charges.
(3) I must find employment. If I do not pass the Bar Exam, I must find employment in any field that provides a living wage; if I do pass the bar exam, I must find employment in my field.
(4) I must resolve the hanging issues of my marriage. Not only does this include working towards our long delayed Honeymoon… but this includes hard decisions, as well. Like… can I accept a marriage with no intimacy? Can I convince my wife of the importance of physical touch? Am I willing to risk another 3 years between sexual encounters? It isn’t fair to either of us for these questions to remain unresolved.