Words that Rhyme
by invisible ink
Entries 81
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October Skies
October skies with leaves of gold and clouds of winter grey sun he reaches half way high and birds have gone their way Summer lawns they think of sleep and snows of yet to come beaches lone ...
under my bed
my mommy she shamed me with a slap to the head there’s nothing a lurking under my bed she’s tired of my whining about what I still dread it’s death come a calling from under my bed mom says the...
upon the sea
Sail with me upon the sea within the oceans arms the wind the spray just you and me where man shall do no harm Roll atop each surging wave alone is what we’ll be here we are, each other sa...
walking dead
Halloween I hear said celebrates the walking dead the dead is a low key group they don’t talk much or even poop wandering around in the night and off they go by morning light they never...
Nellie was an emo girl hair black with green and blue all the kids had things to say the worse were all untrue She’d hang around the park at night with her emo friends and talked wi...
the sea divine
fill my sails with salty winds I roll upon the sea echo ears with siren songs awash my heart in thee truly you’re my only love cold winter wind avast watery depths to foamy shores t...
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