
The Teenage Life of a Kid

by Admiral Squirrel

Entries 4

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September 10, 2014

4. One Piece Fan Blabber!

...It's Basically Just a Summary of What I've Watched So Far... THURSDAY 11th September 2014, 4.47 PM. Yosh! Let’s jump right into it! I’ve reached the 100th episode now! I’m currently in the mi...

September 10, 2014

3. Consistency

THURSDAY 11th September 2014, 4.04 PM. Alright, I’m still here! I think I’m officially beginning to fall in love with this site - not literally, of course! It’s a lot more active than Bloop (whic...

September 09, 2014

2. Slipped a Little Too Deep!

WEDNESDAY 10th September 2014, 10.47 PM. Yeah, yeah, two entries in a row. What of it? You see, this is why introductory entries are sort of a challenge to me. There will always be something that...

WEDNESDAY 10th September 2014, 10.10 PM. Why hello there, reader! How’s life’s lemons’ been? I’m new on this site and so far, it looks pretty cool to me. What’s not to like about books? Neat, don...

Book Description

Just a little ol’ journal of a freshly-turned-teenager-kid. ^w^