

by blackpropaganda

Entries 602

Page 14 of 25

March 23, 2015

The last waltz

We have had our last ballroom dancing session of the season - and seven couples stayed to the end of the course. Some found it was not for them - particularly the men who seemed to feel threatene...

By 7 pm yesterday we were emotionally drained. The result of watching three international rugby matches, one after the other, on the last day of the Six Nations competition. Basically England, Wa...

March 20, 2015

Be happy.......

Apparently today is the International Day of Happiness - I wonder who thinks these up? Still it sound a good idea - hey, everyone - get happy. Look on the bright side - count your blessings - mak...

March 19, 2015

Who judges the judges?

It would appear that four judges on the local circuits in England have been dismissed because they watched pornographic materials on their official computers – and one resigned before he could be...

March 18, 2015

Rites of spring

No - not the ritual dance, naked, surrounded by virgins – but taking the mower out of the garage where it has lain untouched since early November- putting in some petrol, checking the oil – prim...

March 17, 2015

A greeting!

Just a quickie to wish all those with an Irish connection the top of the morning for St Patrick’s Day - don’t forget to wear something green!!!!!

The cottage pie went down well - although I was handicapped since our ceramic hob cracked last week - and only two rings were available - and one of those sometimes does not come on - as it didn’...

March 15, 2015

Proud and erect...

No, not a picture of my member (although that is available on request) but some daffodils on here for Mothering Sunday - they come up like this every year in a neighbours garden - they were plant...

March 14, 2015

Just a little prick....

You may have heard that there has been the first successful penis transplant operation in South Africa - for an 18 year old who lost his penis in a botched circumcision operation - which is not u...

March 13, 2015

Painting and a question..

There has been one thing missing in my life lately - actually more than one - but, still, this one has started to be addressed - I have sone some water-colour painting. I have a framed picture wh...

March 12, 2015

Mozart, walking and drink

As I wrote earlier - Tuesday was a lovely day - but it has gone downhill since then - depressions rushing through bringing wind and rain - and then clearing leaving clear skies when the temperatu...

March 10, 2015


At last - the sun is shining brightly - a few clouds in the sky - and although there is a cool breeze at the moment it is ideal for a walk this afternoon. It certainly raises the spirits and gets...

When we were at the art exhibition yesterday I met an old student now married to an old colleague who told me that an ex-colleague of mine had died three weeks ago and her husband was going to th...

March 07, 2015

Saturday Picture

Just a wonderful oil painting today from an exhibition I went to - my photograph cannot do justice to the brushwork - but his use of colour is great. This is the kind of thing which lifts the hea...

I see that there is a furore since ISIS (not the river on which Oxford stands but the Islamic State) are being castigated for bringing in bulldozers to raze the ancient city of Nimrod in norther ...

I am glad to say things seem to be nearly back to normal in the area of the back and the neck - so rest has done its work - although now it feels like the area around my ears is full of cotton wo...

March 04, 2015

Oldies and goldies

Thank you to the noters who wished me well. My neck is the main issue now - and this was not helped by making a round car trip of 150 miles yesterday This was in very mixed weather - snow, sleet...

No, I am not under the spell of a dominatrix - but it looks like I got whiplash as I went backwards and hit my head on the floor. My neck muscles are stiff and sore from my head being whipped bac...

March 02, 2015

Just like Madonna...

Snow showers demonstrating that winter is not over. Still, it was good weather for walking this morning with the hills covered but good conditions underfoot - then a quick lunch and off to ballr...

a young man’s fancies… and an older man’s too. Anyway enough of that - at the moment the sun in shining after rain and wind overnight - and the daffodils are straining to break into bloom - while...

February 27, 2015

Glitterballs and back rubs

And today Gary Glitter gets 16 years for sex abuse of teenage girls way back in the past. He had been done a number of time before - but a lot of the historic abuse cases have arisen out of the d...

February 26, 2015

News of the day...

The two main news items of the day here - a report on the sex crimes of Jimmy Savile at Stoke Mandeville hospital over decades is published and shows he assaulted or raped over 50 women and girls...

February 25, 2015

Not about wa*king!

I seemed to have signed up to a site called StumbleUpon which send me the odd email telling me about stories I might be interested in. Clearly the categories of story I suggested I might be inter...

We may not have snow, but wind and rain are enough to remind you that it is still winter. We were walking next to the sea yesterday - and 25 hardy souls refused to be put off by the weather forec...

February 22, 2015

Sunday funnies


Book Description

Thoughts upon aspects of life - not aways to be trusted!