Entries 57
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Australian media being censored on Facebook is actually the BEST thing that could have happened here. Lord knows the amount of crap I’ve seen on my feed over the years, let alone the amount of k...
Don't fucking stab me, crazy people
I’m actually really anxious today. And I hate this feeling. I shouldn’t be feeling this way, but suddenly I am. I’m back at work tomorrow and the panic-buyer’s, or rather the idea of them, is ...
Of course (dream)
Last night, I fell asleep with all the lights on, in a singlet, laptop still open, three pillows behind me still propped up. I musta been exhausted. Annnd my subconscious decides to send me a dr...
Chemistry and connection rambling
Things have been really good. I mean, I guess they’d have to be given exactly how sick I was. It’s almost like life is balancing itself out and given me a week of highs to counteract the down-a...
A caged rabbit
So as you all know, the mental-health-train has derailed a little these past few days. It’s like three wheels are off the track and one is still on it. So anyway, that’s how fun I am lately lol...
I'm unique
The damn painter is at the house again when all I want to do is immerse myself in some Stan or Netflix to take my thoughts away from the world. And he’s spray painting so the machine or whatever...
Today was a scary day
Oh fuck, today scared me. I haven’t had a mentally scarring day like this in some time, and I’m thankful. I’m currently writing this at the gym on the cycle. I did my warm-up on the row as usua...
A dark entry
It’s never good news when someone passes away, but it’s a horrible feeling when so many people on Facebook are all posting vague ‘I can’t believe it…‘ and ‘Rest In Peace’ messages as their status...
So is our happiness
So, this was pretty awesome, and sad.
Frowny face
Tonight has not been a good night at all for me mentally. I wrote the previous entry at the gym whilse doing my cardio on the bike (c’mon 5 kilo, make like Copperfield and disappear!) and stupid...
Knife dream
Dreams are so weird. I had a dream last night where I was pulling long sharp kitchen-knives out of my mouth/throat. Black handles, big thick blades, like a chef’s knife. They each had a little...
I'm mentally unstable today
How fucking embarrassing. I burst into tears at work today with two and a half hours of my shift left and my store manager noticed I was crying and asked what was up but I was in such hysterics ...
The science of homosexuality
I saw this TEDTalk tonight which was pretty cool. He claims that mother’s who have prenatal stress increase the odds of that child being born homosexual. He also says that for every older strai...
I'm a mental case
Oh MAN today was a tough day for me, mentally. It probably compounded because last night I just could not get to sleep, despite trying to close my eyes around 10pm. It was nearing 2am and I sti...
Definition of 'fucked up' = me
(Don’t read this unless you want me to be a Debby-downer) I’m sitting on my bed, under the covers, whilst Nick has a bunch of friends over, having a party, and I’m wallowing in my own self pity, ...
Bye Aunty Freda
I had a message from my mum on facebook informing me that my great Aunt has carked it. I barely knew her. I can’t even remember the last time I saw her. It must have been when I was a kid, sure...
FFS 'Murica
I found myself so tired yesterday. I went to write an entry last night and then decided, “Nah, fuck it. I need to sleep.” So I did, and I feel better this morning. I can only put it down to yes...
That wasn't nice
Well I got through another work-week, somehow. Still not up to my usual standard but oh well. Today is a public holiday (ANZAC Day) but it’s my usual day off anyway. I didn’t make the dawn serv...
Fuck. this. bullshit.
Me. Whinging. What else is knew? I feel like a complete idiot, but I’ve re-booked the doctor again for tomorrow afternoon after work. ^sigh^ I’m clutching at straws. I feel like I want to ask...
Happy one-month :(
I just wrote an entry, and lost the whole thing because the internet cut out. Just another thing going wrong in my life, nothing unusual. My laptop decided to start a death-rattle today. Most l...
That’s how much my prescription cost me, and that’s for the more pricey brand. They gave me the option of the $10 generic, but I want this thing to fuck right off! I was in and out of the docs i...
Death must feel better than this
Welp, I was right. The fever’s well and truly set in now :( This isn’t a suicidal entry. It’s an observation. I wouldn’t be in pain. This happens every few years usually. I think I managed to ...
You want h-how much?!
I honestly do not know what to do. I just spent $151 on a consultation for a dentist to tell me that if I want the tooth that is causing me pain fixed, it’ll set me back around $2400. I told her ...
I can't say I am
Today has not been very kind to me. Mentally, that is. It’s been depressive thought after depressive thought and I’m almost fighting back tears at the moment. I can’t explain it. I don’t know...
Open your eyes a little on same-sex marriage
Thank fuck that work-week is over. The manager called in sick again on Sunday, so I ended up working a full day. Luckily I happened to be awake early and saw his facebook message, otherwise I w...