
750 Words

by An'yai

Entries 25

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August 02, 2016


It’s officially one month until my 31st birthday. And I have no clue what I’m going to be doing. All I know is that I might take my birthday off and take a 4 day weekend instead of a 3 day one....

August 01, 2016


Another month, and by god, I’m going to do this right this month. Promise. Why is it that as soon as I start paying for this, I start lapsing on getting the words done? le sigh. It’s just wh...

July 18, 2016


The weekend was a good one. :) Saturday I went shopping with Court, and picked up Bob to go see Ghostbusters. We enjoyed the movie a lot more than we thought we would, I was kind of creeped ou...

July 13, 2016


Slacker! Total Slacker! Things have been busy - and I’ve been neglecting you -le sigh- I’m so bad. Pat’s chemo is going good… he’s going for the third treatment for his cancer today. His mom i...

June 27, 2016


Oh dear lord… I really messed up. Well, not messed up, but I didn’t continue the way I want to. It seems that when I don’t have anything to talk about I tend to ramble and fill my words, but whe...

June 16, 2016


Well, on the plus side, I’m working on making the foundation of a good habit. Sadly, it’s not taking all that well. I don’t remember much of yesterday, in all honesty. Pat went to chemo, I we...

June 14, 2016


I’ve been busy lately. Well, as long as lately includes just last night and this morning :) I made some more perler designs last night with my mini beads. I’m excited to get started on figurin...

June 13, 2016


So, I’m writing today from my desk at work. It’s almost 3:00 (started this at 2:45) and I’ve finally gotten a few minutes to myself… but only because I carved it out. :) So, the graduation… I u...

June 12, 2016


I missed another day. I’d be upset about it except for the fact that I had an awesome day yesterday. Friday after work I grabbed Nate and the Monkey and we went to a hotel in town. This is our...

June 10, 2016


I’m awake. I woke up a little late today but not as bad as yesterday. I did end up playing on my phone for a bit and just relaxing in bed. I’m awake now and sitting with a Munchie on my shoul...

June 10, 2016


I almost missed the day again today. I got up late and remembered that I had to do this but didn’t have time to. Would have done it at work but I was busy from start to finish there too. Ther...

June 08, 2016


Today’s not starting out to be all that good. Normally this week, when my alarm went off, I jumped up out of bed and got going… today I just couldn’t do it. The alarm went off and I kept hitti...

June 07, 2016


Sleepy. So Sleepy. I don’t know why I am. I did head to sleep early. I blame the heat. Western Washington should not be this damned hot. Luckily, today’s the last day of 80+ degree temps f...

June 06, 2016


Good morning, I had a good day yesterday. Well, good as in, I spent time with my sister, but not good because of some of the stuff that we talked about. Patrick has Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, and was...

June 05, 2016


Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. I missed a day already, le sigh. This is what happens when you change your habits really early in the habit building process. I mentioned to Mom that I needed to do it ...

June 03, 2016


So last night I went to the movies with Nate and his brothers… Alex was Alex – tried to get on Nate’s nerves by flirting with me and making stupid Hawaiian jokes. I like Alex, he’s harmless and ...

June 02, 2016


I’m such a slacker. I didn’t get anything done yesterday… but in my defense I wasn’t feeling good yet… I left work, paid rent, grabbed a side for dinner and when I got home, dinner was done (roo...

June 01, 2016


So I’m going to try this again… I did this a year or so ago and loved it, but when I ran out of free days, I stopped. I think I did subscribe for a little bit, or at least, I hope I did. Either...

June 30, 2014

June 30, 2014

This morning's 750 brought to you by the Epic Heroic Playlist on Spotify. Well, today's the last day of the month, which means NaNoWriMo starts tomorrow... I don't know if I'm ready yet but I'm ...

June 29, 2014

June 29, 2014

So tired... I think I'm never going to have kids. That's all I have to say about that. NaNoWriMo is in a couple of days and I'm no closer to the start or core of my story than I was last week. ...

June 27, 2014

June 27, 2014

So sleepy. I didn't go with my rules last night and I'm paying for it today. I'm trying to get in and out of bed with my natural rhythm and it's just... interesting. Trying to get off the elec...

June 26, 2014

June 26, 2014

So I've been trying a new thing for me the last few weeks... I've been trying to get up and go to sleep with my body's natural rhythms instead of using the clock to tell me when I should be aslee...

June 25, 2014

June 25, 2014

Well, I woke up to an interesting note... PNW Nerdfest isn't going to be happening and I get a chance for a refund of the 450.00 that I paid for the booth. That's awesome... I'm so happy about t...

June 24, 2014

June 24, 2014

So here I am again... I had a good dream last night, not good as in "wow, that was a sweet dream" but good in the "Wow, I can use this for a story" way. I don't remember much but there was this...

June 24, 2014

June 23, 2014

Watch the flames burn on and on the mountain side, Desolation comes from the sky. I see fire inside the mountain, I see fire burning the trees.... And I hope that you remember me... I love thi...

Book Description

My stream of consciousness writings from