Talk Radio
by synapse
Entries 54
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Goodbye, OD
A Very Gross Tableau @ OD 2005-2014 I was #D548185, had 947 entries. I wrote first as moderngypsy, then as synapse, briefly as aesthetic priest and most recently as placebo. (I regretted changin...
Voter ID & the GOP's lack of conservative morality
Link to article I am quoting. The problem with the GOP is that none of their initiates have integrity whatsoever. For example, why in the 2000 and 2004 elections do we see no concern over voter ...
Obama vs. Romney & my dream for Capitalism
Conservatives like Rand imagined money as a great equalizer. They did not imagine money as part of a totalitarian power structure that arbitrarily controls the lives of everyone below them, like ...
I'm now convinced that sexism (against women) is a huge problem even among self-described progressives. None of the guys I have talked to and would consider sexist would say that women shouldn't ...
Book Description
I am an American nerd who lives in the midwest