Iiiiiiiiiiit's . . . . in It's a llittle llazy over here

  • March 23, 2014, 8:58 p.m.
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. . . performance review time at work! Woo!

I'm not sure who has less time for it, me or my manager. Actually. . . . me. Clearly me. It comes from the whole lack of career ambition thing. I am at a place where even in the laughably unlikely scenario that they start handing out payrises again, I simply don't care enough to put in the shift that would get me a good one. . . . Competition is high, and it's the dedicated people who (rightly) will be at the front of the queue when the top ratings are handed out.

A comfort zone is just such a comfortable thing. It's a strange situation in many ways. I could go up a grade and cope with it. I could. But I'd have to want to, and spend a year or so positioning myself for it by doing manager-level type things. I would get all the support I wanted, if I wanted it. Sometimes I feel like I'm looking a gift horse in the mouth by not doing it.

Just getting onto the starting salary at the next grade would make a big difference to us. Massive. But then . . . . motivation is the thing. The next grade is where things get serious. You get a work phone and suddenly your entitlement to paid overtime disappears. On top of that, suddenly your competition for ratings and pay increases is all the people who were motivated and driven enough to fight for a manager-level role.

So . . . comfortably near the top of the tree below manager, or part of the managerial rat race? I like comfortable. I like going home on time every day. I'm paid as well as I could hope for without having to exert myself to undue stress. I get to be a little lazy and coast along just a little.


We're going to see llamas in April. This is a good thing.

In keeping with the previous cookware theme, we bought a Le Creuset casserole dish (second hand from ebay - they cost utterly stupid money new) and we have burnt the living hell out of the bottom on the very first attempt. The enamel's a lovely black colour on the inside now. Go us!

Did I mention the llamas? Yay! :)

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