First couple of days in Hello.

  • June 7, 2019, 9:06 a.m.
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So far, so good!
I’ve been at the distillery now for two days. The first day was all official stuff, health and safety, filling in forms, finding our way around, meeting other members of staff. Robert kept telling anyone who’d listen that I was his mum, so I got to meet all the bistro staff as well, haha!
Yesterday I got a bit of an introduction in the shop. It seems pretty straight forward, the shop floor is pretty small, so there’s no running up and down stairs to the stock room, everything is in the cupboard underneath the shelf. It looks like I’ll be working in the shop, taking bookings for the tours and giving the tours. It seems pretty chilled, the staff seem really nice. A couple of them are actors (which makes sense, given the nature of the job!) and therefore quite flamboyant! There’s no standing around twiddling thumbs, there’s always something to do, even if it’s just washing the glasses after a tasting or making up boxes. There’s no approaching customers either, no hard selling or up selling, everything sells itself!
I did get shouted at by a chef for standing in the wrong spot though. (We can get lunches on duty, so we have to go in the kitchen to order them.) He snapped at me “you want food, you stand over there!” Rob put down his knife, came over to me and put his arm around my shoulder. He shouted “oh, Andy! You know who this is? This is my mum!” We were having a gossip about it later on messenger and Rob said he’s a nob to everyone, except Rob who stood up to him once. Rob’s a big lad and I imagine he could be quite intimidating if he wanted to be!

Last updated June 07, 2019

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