How long will I love you in Dear John

  • March 2, 2014, 7:20 p.m.
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I love that when we met for our first date, nine months ago, I had no idea how important you'd become to me.

I don't know if I ever wrote about mine and john's first date, but I giggle to myself every time I think about it, even now.

We had met through an online dating site, and had been chatting for a while when he asked for my number. We then chatted a while longer over whatsapp before I lost patience and asked him if he was ever gonna ask me out! I'm talking weeks here, weeks of putting the world to rights, late into the night, chatting about the small things and the big things and everything in between.

We arranged to meet at the beach, on a Sunday afternoon. I was working nights, and neither of us wanted to wait til my stint was done. I was having murder parking, one of the roads was closed off, and I was late because of this. I text john to tell him I was having trouble parking, and he said not to worry, he was waiting for me.

Turns out there had been a terrible accident, an elderly couple had been hit by a reversing car and they were waiting for the air ambulance to arrive on the beach. Obviously we gawked and rubbernecked, getting covered in sand in the process when the helicopter landed.

We took a stroll around the marine lake, John had bought his dog along, at that time just a puppy. Halfway through the lake the little rascal jumped into the lake, and I distinctly remember saying 'ah, look at him, does he swim?' Then saw that John had turned as pale as anything and said to me that the dog had never been in water before and he had no idea if he could swim or not!

Thankfully, the dog could swim, and we didn't have to jump in and rescue him! He then proceeded to shake all over me - John was mortified, I just laughed my head off and told him I have dogs, it's fine, I know they do their utmost to embarrass you as much as possible as often as possible!

We went for coffee, sat outdoors, and chatted like we'd known each other forever. It was only that I had to leave to get ready for work that the date ended. I have a feeling we'd have sat there all evening if I hadn't had to work. He walked me to my car and kissed me on the cheek, and there was absolutely none of that first date awkwardness.

It makes me giggle to think of it, certainly not your average first date. It was lovely and chilled, a prefect sunny Sunday, with a little drama not of our making thrown in for good measure.

I can't believe it's been 9 months. 9 months. That's an eternity to me!


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