Could She Be Pregnant? (November 1, 2012) in Old OD Entries

  • Feb. 5, 2014, 2:51 p.m.
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So this morning I woke up and looked at my phone and I had a text message from my friend. He told me that he was scared that he might have gotten his girlfriend pregnant because her period is late.

If she is pregnant his life is over! He is so scared, I mean they use condoms when they have sex but there is still a chance of pregnancy.

I feel so bad for him he wants children just not right now, they are just too much responsibility. I told him that even if she is pregnant he could always put it up for adoption. He told me that he would never give up his child, that he could not live with himself knowing that a kid is growing up not knowing who his/her father is and that kid growing up to resent him and think that he didn't want him/her. I can understand that. Not everyone could handle the emotions that go along with giving up your child.

Him and his girlfriend are going to get a test done to find out.

The sad but funny thing is that if she is not pregnant she will be too scared to have sex with him because of the close call. She will be like "PENIS BE GONE FROM ME"!! haha.

I suppose not getting any is better than having a screaming baby while you are in college.

Let's hope that she is not pregnant!

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