day, um i don't remember in my challenge

  • Jan. 31, 2014, 1:40 p.m.
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this is nearing the end of week 3. i'm pretty stoked that i've gotten this far. i thought for sure i wasn't going to do it yesterday. i was tired and unmotivated. somehow i just started the video and started doing it. my body went on complete autopilot while my brain was arguing with itself as to what i was going to do with the free time i was going to have from not working out. by the time my mind caught up with what was going on i had already started. knocked out chin up, pull up, pushup day. though my arms and shoulders have hurt all day as a result. i have to be careful my shoulder that got hurt flared up this morning and has bothered me through out the day. not enough to make me stop, but enough to make me notice it and not push on it too hard. i think i am going to switch to the lean program for a while. my arms are starting to show change and my shoulders take little to no work to look good. my legs are getting there as well. but the spare tire has not budged at all and if it has not as much as everything else on me. switching it up to hopefully push more into the getting lean direction. getting huge is not really something i care about. like i said about my arms, shoulders and legs, they get nice real fast. the whole point of starting this workout was to get the spare tire to go away. i want my clothes to fit right again. though all these squats i have to do is getting my butt to look good. may do to the diet evaluation soon. i usually wait until i've been working out for a month or so. might go low carb for a while. maybe start eating eggs for dinner. but i need to have some with lunch or i run out of energy. i mean i've been going super high protein for the last month or so. partially because its easy for me to do. partially because i like it. might stick with that. i hate eating veggies but i can handle drinking them. might start blending or juicing them and dealing with them that way. a little more research is going to go into this. plus it must be taken into account that i drink usually about 18-24 beers in a week. which may not seem like a lot but the majority of my drinking is done on friday and saturday. very little is done during the week. again working on this one. i think i can get it done today. i'm feeling pretty pumped up. i had some fresh oj this morning and then kale,apple,lemon juice with lunch. got some energy now.

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