Rock of Ages in My Unpredictable Life ...

  • Jan. 31, 2014, 10:20 a.m.
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I've been reading everyone's "Ode to Open Diary" the past few days. The end result is always the same ... the lasting friendships made because of OD, when otherwise the two ships in the night would not have passed. I too have my own such stories.

  • Mellie - My dear, sweet Mellie. How I adore this woman. How I love this woman. She is the very first person I met in person, after having met online, via OD. There is just something about her that brings me peace. She will always hold a special place in my heart.

  • Amber - I first saw her on the home page on OD and at the time she was living in a place I had recently moved from, that I was homesick for. After reading her for years, sending her her most "beloved" Gymboree coupons I had no need for, our families were stationed at the same Air Force base. Thanks to her, my cross-country move, by myself and our 10 yr. old daughter (Hubby was stationed in Korea at the time), was made that much easier. Since moving, after Hubby retired from the USAF, I miss our weekly Starbucks/Target get together's. Oh, and you should totally check out her book, The Swimmer's Assistant on Amazon!!!

  • Jess - I would love to meet Jess in person one day. I'd love to take her to Starbucks, buy her a drink, and spend the rest of the day basking in her. She has the guts that I only dream of having. And she can make me spew my drink across the room like no other.

  • Melanie - I used to live close to her neck of the woods before I moved cross country and I kick myself every day for not taking the time to go meet her in person. Maybe one day.

  • Paul - Dude cracks me up. His art is to die for. One day I will be able to afford one of his paintings. Or pottery. And if there is a God, one day I will be able to sample one of his masterpiece recipes. Also, he sent me a message on Feb. 11, 2009 that would forever change my life ...

I think [darkness evades] could use a military wife friend right now. I'm just a brat... not much good I wouldn't say it to her, but I think she is taking a rough road through it. Who knows? We only can read... but her husband seems to have just finished basic and she is moving to join him... and well... you know the story well. If you check her out I'm sure you have some advice... I'll send her your way too.

  • Kristen - Because of Paul, a friendship would form and the rest is history, as they say. I've not actually met her in person yet, even though we are only 4 hours from each other, in the same state. I'm hoping to change that in March during school spring break. Anyway, Girlfriend never ceases to amaze me. The most exciting part about Kristen is that she is also a talented writer. Because of her, she totally changed my hobby with photography. Because of her, I will die a happy, happy death, having left a piece of me on this Earth for all eternity. Because of her, my photography will live on forever ...

 photo 181AA422-0D95-4234-813A-3DED25F67AD3_zpsdlktc7fp.jpg

She has given me the opportunity other's only dream of and I will be forever grateful to her for that. And yes, you can buy her book on Amazon also :)

There are countless other people, whom I have met through OD, that I would love to get to know better, love to meet in person. Maybe that will happen one day, maybe not. Regardless, OD forever changed my life. But it's not over!! Because of Prosebox, I can still maintain those lasting friendships and I have even made new ones that I am looking forward to watch grow. It will only get better from here on out, Open Diary dying be damned!

To quote Kristen: "The White Death is coming! The White Death is coming!"

Girlfriend thought it would be cute to "mock" the Southerner's during their little Winter Storm they had earlier in the week. Because of her, her neck of the woods is slated to get 12 - 18" inches of snow in the next 10 days. And when her neck of the woods gets that much, my neck of the woods gets the same amount or more. Never less. So a big, happy F U is in order, Kristen. Thank you. Thank you for taking me down with you! LMAO (you know I love you!)

Hubby: "See, I knew there was a reason I kept you around."

That comment was made when he came home from work earlier in the week to discover two beautifully decorated gift bags on the dinning room table.

Back story: I have learned over the years of being with him (21 years to be exact) that if I want anything of meaning, I have to buy it myself. He is the world's worst gift buyer. When he buys me gifts, he buys me what HE wants. For Christmas he bought me a breakfast sandwich maker. He has used it every morning since then. He has not made me the first breakfast sandwich. I've not plugged the thing in the first time. But he sure as hell is enjoying it! LOL Anyway, occasionally I will buy my own gifts and wrap them from him. Since his Christmas "fail", I decided I wouldn't go through that again for my birthday. So I went online, found some jeans and shirts, on clearance, and ordered them. When they came in, I tried them on to make sure they fit & then I put them in gift bags. One is from him, one is from The Child. Everyone is now happy; he doesn't have to walk aimlessly around a store, she doesn't have to walk aimlessly around a store with him asking, "What about this?" and I get something I like and can use. Win win all around. But they do have to buy a card. He doesn't get out of it all that easy LOL

My girl Nancy, who has been doing my hair since we move here, is finally back to work. I last saw her in August. When I went to see her back in Oct., she was out on medical leave. I couldn't wait for her to come back so her co-worker, Martin (a 50 year old Mexican gay guy) did my hair. He did okay. I would use him again if Nancy was no longer available. He scheduled my next appointment with Nancy for December. When I went for that appointment, Nancy was still out on medical leave. I was told that Breana would do an excellent job since Martin was no longer working there. I was lied to. She was horrible to my hair. I'm sure she does a well enough job, but you all have seen a picture of my hair. It takes a person with a strong constitution to be able to handle my hair lol. Nancy is one of the few. Back in SC I mainly used black hairstylists because they understood my hair LOL. Anyway, I called the other day, because it is way past time for my hair to be "loved and nurtured" and Nancy is finally back.

I tried to warn her over the phone just what Breana had done to it. When I walked in Nancy looks at me and says, "Oh, you went darker." My reply was, "No. Not by choice anyway." So then Nancy is working her magic and she says, "Did you get gum in your hair or a really bad knot you had to cut out?" I just looked at her, in the mirror, and said, "No. I tried to tell you over the phone. Now do you believe me?" So, along with totally screwing up my bangs, Breana apparently got a little scissor happy and cut a chunk out of the back, underneath. Luckily, it's not noticeable. But still. Don't mess with my hair, People. I'm very vain about it!

Time for a shower so I can get ready to go get Hubby for lunch. Till next time ....

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