day 1 in my challenge

  • Jan. 14, 2014, 9:49 p.m.
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well i knocked out day 1 yesterday. i was sweaty sore and very happy about things. i've decided to go with p90x3 this cycle. i haven't gone with the extreme protein diet yet. i might switch to that next week. i try not to on the first week of a workout cycle. mostly losing water weight anyhow. i'll probably drop somewhere between 10-20 lbs. i'm not really worried about the numbers. my weight jumps 10 lbs randomly at times. its more about about getting some definition going on and losing the spare tire so my clothes fit better or looser, your call. i woke up this morning feeling a little bit sore and tired. which is a good thing to me, it means i did something right. while i was doing the workouts there was more than one occasion where i felt muscles that i didn't know existed straining. it was great. sure my reps were crap and i messed up a bunch of times, i really have poor balance. but i got through it. i was surprised at how many push ups i could do. i didn't think i'd be able to do more than 3 but powered through the set. i went with resistance bands because my dial weights were stolen by a previous roommate. i'll probably replace those in the near future. today looks to be a heavy cardio/plyo workout. i am pretty pumped about it. i usually tear it up on legs day. i get winded but my legs, like my shoulders are typically in ok shape and take very little effort to get cut. today requires tape for the floor, i hope i have enough room in my bedroom. though i will move it out to the living room if need be. i'd rather not, because i get sweaty and a little smelly. i'd rather my living room doesn't smell like that. my bedroom is easy to get smells out of. i am slightly worried about my meals until i get my paycheck, don't really think i will be able to eat healthy until i get it. i have to check my freezer. though i have to be careful last time i did this i got really bored of chicken breast. i foreman grilled it a bunch baked it a couple times, microwaved it a couple times. might have to come up with some other ideas. maybe pan cook it with olive oil, not sure there. breakfast will be oatmeal until i get some eggs. i am using syntha-6 protein. i am a big fan of their stuff. tastes great even though i don't have a sweet tooth. it doesn't taste like protein drinks or bars really. this works for me, if it works for you great if not whatever this isn't for you anyhow. i am using black mountain resistance bands and a harbinger mat. the supplements i am taking are: Optimum Mega Potency HMB, Peak ATP, One a day Men's Multivitamin, fish oil, ginger, zinc, Rainbow Light Men's Performance Energy, and Stacker 3. yeah its a mess of stuff. i only take one of each of these a day minus the performance energy which i take 2 of those a day. i tend to take the stacker 3 about an hour or so before the workout. i am currently a little tired from yesterday but still excited about getting the workout going today. i've noticed the big difference from p90x and p90x3 seems to be that the sessions are broken up differently, each workout is about 30 minutes long compared to the sometimes an hour and a half the previous had. instead of focusing on a certain areas like the first one the new one is more of a mix, which is pretty and keeps you from burning out super fast. it helps to watch the video before working out just to get an idea of how to do the different exercises, though i found learning how to do them to be relatively easy once i saw them a couple times. instead of the 5 or 6 days a week, this one is 7 days a week, which at first seemed a little daunting to me. but looking at it now i see its actually better that way. it will keep me from wanting to skip out on mondays after the weekend, though it does have to compete with my weekend hang overs now. so we will see how this goes i'm stoked about my workout and i'm about 2 hours away from doing it. hopefully this excitement will continue through out the program. hopefully i will be able to keep up with my progress, maybe not daily but as frequently as i feel comfortable. don't really care about encouragement or anything like that, i'm just documenting this so i can look back and see what worked and what didn't. comments are fine suggestions are welcomed but possibly will not be heeded (i'm not going vegan and i'm not quitting drinking). i will consider any supplement or similar substances as a recommendation. i don't do drugs, though i have in the past, and possibly will in the future, but none right now (no, not even pot). i don't smoke and i don't drink dairy, though i am considering trying whole raw milk at some point out of curiosity. that's all for right now, maybe i'll post after i do today's workout, who knows.

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