Having fun! in Hello.

  • Nov. 8, 2015, 4:10 a.m.
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So I’m at my sister’s for a few days. As much as I love my kids, I do enjoy spending time away from them for a bit, the most taxing thing I’ve done is walk a dog and decided what to eat!
The coach journey was ok, I had music to listen to, my Kindle to play with and I was having text conversations with Shellie about the soap opera on the bus! (Man opposite talked loudly on his phone almost the entire 4 hours he was on the bus, people were getting annoyed, I had an entire non-verbal conversation with the lady opposite about how annoying he was!)
I caught the train from Birmingham to where Shellie lives, we quickly got ready to go out to see Eagles of Death Metal! That was a bit of a trip, the tram terminated the stop before we needed due to essential work, we walked the wrong way for a bit, ended up getting a black cab to The Institute. We arrived an hour after doors, the first support were just finishing, but the venue was still fairly empty, so we got a pint and went and stood at the rail. The second support, White Miles, were really good, really energetic. We decided we’d stay at the rail, unless we got squished. I don’t normally do crowds very well, but I don’t mind being at the rail so much, at least there’s space in front! As it happens, we didn’t get squished, there was room to move and breathe and there was a cool breeze blowing down on us from an air vent! Shellie braved the crowd to go to the loo and said the back was horrendous, all hot and you couldn’t move, so we definitely made the right choice!
EODM were great! Josh wasn’t on drums, but still, really amazing. Boots is such a crowd pleaser, was talking loads, even came down to the rail where he high fived loads of people, and stood about two feet away from me! The show was really energetic, I came out deaf, haha!
We decided after the debacle with the tram to catch the train back to Shellie’s. We’d sort of arranged to meet Beatrix Plotter in the pub, but it was getting late and the last train went fairly early, so we postponed.
Yesterday morning, after breakfast, Shellie had to walk Roxy the Rottweiler. Shellie warned me she can be a bit funny with strangers, and she did stare at me for a bit, but after she’d sniffed me and checked me out, she decided I was fine and kept nudging me for strokes. She’s really hard work though, constantly pulling and trying to eat all the dogs/squirrels/anything on the entire walk!
Then in the afternoon, we drove to where the lovely Voni lived and had a mini internet weirdo meet! She’s just as lovely as I expected and I was envious of her beautiful green and blue mermaid hair! After a cup of tea, we walked to the pub for lunch. Their servings were immense! Cheap and cheerful. There were no awkward silences, I felt like I’d known Voni forever! After lunch we walked back to Voni’s house. I had to nip into Sainsburys to buy socks because I’d stupidly forgotten to bring any to Shellie’s, lol! After a good natter about All The Things, we drove back to Shellie’s.
In the evening we decided to go to the pub. The one we ended up in was really nice. It was grubby and a bit loose at the seams, but it just had a really nice vibe! There were little kids there, I presume they belonged to the owner or something, and they were constantly coming over to talk to us, show us their toys, etc. The regulars were friendly too.
So that’s what I’ve done so far! I’m here today and tomorrow, going back Tuesday. I think this morning we’re walking a Cinnamon Trust dog, maybe I should get out of bed and get dressed, haha!

Last updated November 08, 2015

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