Quality time in Dear John

  • Aug. 13, 2013, 4 a.m.
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John just added me on Skype, so he could skype me in a quiet moment at work because he wanted to see my face because he didn't see me last night, bless him!

He was having his ear bent by his friend, who's just broken up with his girlfriend. Apparently they want different things. He's an alcoholic, and from the sounds of it she's been giving him grief about packing in the booze. He's obviously not ready, and things have come to an end. Whether it's done or not remains to be seen.

He's also asked me what days I'm off in the coming weeks, he's accrued a lot of lieu hours and apparently can think of no better way to spend them than by taking days off to be with me! I am a lucky lucky girl, this boy is so thoughtful.


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