Sammy in A new era

  • Aug. 16, 2013, 1:18 a.m.
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The dog is sick. He was vomiting and having diarrhoea overnight last night, and was super lethargic this morning. We got him an emergency vets appointment and they instantly admitted him and put him on a drip. They ran some bloods, X-rays and ultrasound, and basically don't know what's wrong with him. Their best bet is severe gastroenteritis. He's an old guy and it's hit him hard.

We had to collect him this afternoon and take him to Chester to a 24 hour animal hospital there, to be observed overnight as our vet closes at 7pm, and for more tests. He seemed to finally have settled, he didn't vomit on the drive which was 45 minutes, and slept the whole way, albeit his breathing was laboured and I had to keep checking he was still breathing.

He made it to Chester unscathed and the vet there seems to think it's a gastro bug. He's run every test he can think of, they've all come back negative. I don't know if that's a good or bad thing, at least if they had a positive result they'd know what to treat him for.

It's critical at the moment, the next 24 hours will be telling, whether he improves with the fluids and antibiotics or not. Obviously he can't live forever but it's so sad to think he might not pull through this.


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