in this episode i question mindset and misfortune. in Sometimes I feel dead inside

  • Sept. 22, 2015, 8:58 p.m.
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my weekend could be considered to be terrible. the girl i’ve been into for a minute kept playing the push/pull game with me. almost nice guy friend zoning me. which i don’t accept. a not attractive large woman groped me at a bar i was at. it was not wanted nor was there any interaction that would’ve initiated it. i was scolded by a woman i barely know for being a jerk. which was odd as most of my interactions with her have been polite. she was drunk, tired and feeling lonely. once i weathered the storm of her anger about something that she couldn’t seem to communicate, she started hitting on me. i was not phased by this bizarre change of attitude. it was odd and slightly irritating. then my favorite sports team did not win. i could’ve gotten and rode a negative attitude all week if i wanted. it just didn’t seem like the right thing to do. lately i’ve been forcing myself to smile when i am traveling anywhere. eventually it becomes real, i’ve found my attitude changes and i tend to be able to handle things a bit better. its not a big thing and by no means am i going to tell you what to do, but give it a shot. try forcing yourself to smile whenever you’re traveling somewhere, see if it helps you change your mind set and/or mood. i don’t know the science behind it, but i discovered it first when my best friend died and i had to keep myself composed for all the gatherings/funeral/memorial events. breaking down and becoming destructive wouldn’t help anyone. in fact it would’ve made things worse and i didn’t want to make things worse for everyone else. we were all going through grief and for me to hold myself over everyone else would’ve been selfish. also i asked myself what my friend would be doing in my place. he’d be trying to make people happy by focusing on the good stuff. so i forced myself to smile partly to keep myself from breaking down, partly to try and get people’s spirit’s up. it was a celebration of his life, we were all better because we knew him. i knew if i could get through that with a smile on my face i could face down anything. after trial and error i’ve found that i can alter my mindset doing it. maybe its because others smile back, maybe because its subliminal. give it a try, and see if it does anything for you.

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