#onelove in A new era

  • June 26, 2015, 6:31 p.m.
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I’m a billion percent happy that American citizens are able to marry the person of their choice, wherever they may be, whoever they may be.

It’s insane to me that in this day and age that it’s even a question. It’s irrelevant of age, race, religion, gender, any identifier. The only thing that should matter is love and commitment. If you are in a committed relationship and you love your other half with your every fibre, who is anyone to dictate whether your marriage may be ‘better’ or more successful than that of any other heterosexual couple.

There are a lot of silly things that have incensed me this week. The debate about ‘gay’ marriage is one. A commitment is a commitment whoever you are, regardless of labels.

The silly belfie debate is another. Why anyone feels the need to discuss another posting breastfeeding selfies is beyond me. It’s not a news article. I for one have no children. I’d like to think one day I will. I’d like to think one day I’ll try to breastfeed. But never for one minute have I looked at the picture of tamara Eccleston, which is the one that’s caused so much controversy, and seen anything other than a mother cherishing a most special moment with her child.

And why shouldn’t she post that to social media? Why shouldn’t she post intimate pictures with her child to her personal Instagram account without the whole country judging her? It’s a beautiful picture, taken by her husband, which shows their shared delight, and his pride. Who is anyone to judge? It’s blatantly obvious that she hasn’t posted the picture to make people jealous, or inferior. She’s documenting her baby’s life, like you or I would.

I cannot believe the press have jumped on it so mercilessly and she’s been forced to defend her choice to breastfeed her daughter and post pictures of it. It’s not even obvious. When you first look at the picture on question the first thing you notice is her absolute joy at having her daughter snuggled up to her and her absolute pride. The exact same thing any mother feels when their small child crawls in close.

It’s beyond belief to me that she’s having to defend this moment. That the public have deemed it fit that because her child has her breast in her mouth, it can’t be beautiful, it has to be controversial and contrived.

Whatever happened to living the best life you can. You can’t do right for doing wrong. You want to breastfeed your child, you shouldn’t advertise it, you want to marry your gay partner, you have to wait for some dinosaurs to decide that maybe it’s OK. Why can’t people just be people.

Why can’t the human race be accepting that the person next to them might make different choices and have different beliefs, but they’re just the same as them, they’re human all the same. They’re the lollipop person who helps your child cross the street, they’re the nursing assistant who makes my job remotely possible and bearable. They bathe your loved one, they hold their hand exactly the same as I would. Why do people think they’re entitled to less?


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